Adult Shoe / Slipper #1

     Special project trying hand to make an adult shoe/ slipper/ sandal for office friend.

So have a colleague who agreed to let us make shoe/ slipper base on trust, understanding.

Step 1. Take measurement on both his foot.

Simply use any card board or paper will do.
Ask the subject to place his foot for us to draw the outline.
Note the Right foot have three other measurement for the profile to make is better when make shoe or slipper .

Cut the pattern from the original card board.
As next step use this template for cutting for
a) Sole of shoe/slipper and
b) in sole of shoe/slipper

Step 2. Cut in sole pattern base on step #1 measurement

After cut the in sole leather

This is how the first few step for making shoe or slipper.

Work in progress.. stay tune for more inform and update wit tips

End of document.

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