Badge Tag post #5 (Sheep leather)

    Experiment with sheep's leather for badge ID tag, it very smooth and soft. 👀

This characteristic of sheep skin pose new challenges when cutting, punch hole, marking point, it moves when these action is taken.

There is two sheep leather (PEARL white, top left) and (DARK blue, bottom right).

Put both leather side by side to see it can colour between different layer.

 For the start the front layer for badge ID is Sheep (PEARL white) and center layer is buffalo leather and rear layer  Sheep  (PEARL white).


The front and rear layer uses Sheep leather sandwich the center layer which is the buffalo leather

 Use a card to verify there is sufficient space for ID card and edge space for stitching work.

Becuase rhe sheep leather is too soft and encounter some difficulty. Have decide to add a paper backing stiff paper material.
It make cutting to have better control.

Update on 4th Feb 2018

More inform that was miss out, sorry for the delay .. 👐

  Using new picking iron punch.

Dip into wax and olive oil  mixture to lubricate punch tips to make it easier to remove.

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Leather tools and tips #15

           Good external finish project require Sharp cutter.

Need to be in constant check on cutting edge on your cutting process.

There several type of knife for each leather project.

Work in progres.. . .  ...................................................................................................................................................................>

                               End of document 👴

Non leather repair #3

 Try repair granddaughter shoe.
          Shoe in sole and out sole peeling off.

Need to strip overall 1) insole and 2) out sole for a more complete repair, cleaning  parts and apply gule.

This is how it looks like when first receive.

Both shoe have similar defect, not sure why it happen.

There could be several factors (express in my opinion only)
a) Poor quality glue, viewing the old glue mark on the two surface indicate one possible reason
b)  Curing time, insufficient force during or dirty surface

Remove outer sole from base to check is there other layer need to re-apply fresh glue with hardener chemical.

totally remove the outer sole with rubber sole.

This is very good chemical to add for repair shoe. This hardener mix with contact cement. Just need a tiny drop.
It best to a have small surface to hold glue and add just a tiny drop and it will cure is 10 minutes and very hard binding action.
If done correctly it is almost impossible to rip the joint apart

    End of Document 👴

Non Leather repair #2 (zipper)

         1. Spouse tote bag with broken zipper head.
This is a first attempt replace broken zipper, the zipper head is size #5

✋Tips:- Note to buy zipper head shop need you specify the material type (plastic or metal), size (3, 5, 10). Take notice of certain zipper head and seam common type zipper there is risk of not able to source locally.

Repair done for broken zipper head replacement.

Recommendation to surf this website and blogspot.
👍Inform source is from - Top 20 Bag Making Blogs and Websites for Bag Makers                             Last Updated Jan 23, 2019

Bag Making Blogs List.
The Best Bag Making blogs from thousands of top Bag Making blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week. Also check out Bag Making Videos from Best 10 Bag Making Youtube Channels.

- - - - - - - -  Next repair case - - - - - - -

2. Replace cooker hob for daughter's kitchen.
The original cooker hob was defective and beyond repair as model is very old and spare part is almost nil.

check gas hose for leakage.

Pre installation check on all cooker hob before install lining and add silicon rubber for the top edge to minimize water seep and leakage between counter top surface and glass cooker hob bottom glass.

Inlet port for gas connection, inspect for overall pipe for corrosion or dirt.

Add lining tape at bottom of glass cooker hob before mounting on counter top surface.

Did not show how to apply silicon rubber around the edge.

The technique use the following item.

1) Silicone gun
2) Silicone material in tube form
3) Glove or any plastic bag
4) Small bowl ( to hold water)
5) Water
6) Tissue paper
7) Spatula applicator

Update on 11th April, correct typo error.

                                        End of document.👴

Non leather repair #1

Have a three simple repair work.

1) Punch hole for a lady shoe "Clarks" brand. need additional hole for strap

2) Repair own shoe inner sole, as it peel off

This is very simple and basic repair, apply glue. It is important for gule to cure before attach both layer.

3) Replace missing part for dirt remover roller. One end of the roller the original was lost.

Use scrap leather, rubber sleeve, rubber tube and "two ton" glue

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Leather tool -Scissor Handle Part #1

  Own tool scissor without insert sleeve for the handle.
It is to help reduce pressure point on handle during cutting.

15th July
Update the wording and correct typo error

Take measurement on material length required

Glue the two edge next step to punch hole

Try a few way to stitching the two edge together for the handle

Prepare leather strip for the other handle of scissor.

Some of the tools used for this project.

Stay tune more coming this way with more scissor sheath


                        End of document   👴

Leather tools and tips #14 (Magnifying glass, clipper and etc)

             Leather tools and tips #14      

 Trying hand on some small and simple project for leather craft use.

1. Loop to hang magnifying glass.

 Fabricate a loop for new magnifying glass.

Just by wrapping a over the loop the magnifying glass can be hang up.

2. Thread clipper sheath

3) Drill vice support add leather as the base.

Tools for making the drill vise base layer. This is to protect the rough underside which can cut or scratch on matt surface.

4) Drill bits casing container.

Skive the edge

Cut strip to create the end cap

This is how to roll up to cover hole at center of opening .
How to fabricate end cap for casing

End of document 👴

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...