Coin purse #3

Coin purse project          

 Note:- this coin purse project have four pocket, the original design was for two pocket version. 

This coin purse project is an extension of the coin purse #2 (26th Oct 2018) and coin purse #1 (19th Oct 2018).

In this project is to share some challenges.

Tools shown for burnishing edge

Pre assembly of part which require burnishing on the edge (facing up position).

*Note:- use a chop stick to help hold work piece in position to make it easier to do burnishing work. This is especially beneficial for soft or thin leather material.  

** Have an idea to use aluminum bracket for this process and work in progress.

Top view on the middle layer

Edge of coin purse

Marking wheel for pricking hole

Use an awl to prick hole

sew bottom edge of center layer

Tool and materials for aligning
punch hole on button

Temporary add double sided tape to hold flap
in position

Press and align flap part on button
for marking position.

Make mark by pressing over button

Punch hole for flap

One way to minimize glue from spreading over it broder edge line. Use a scrap leather with clean edge when apply glue.
This is one simple tips when apply glue on leather surface.

Update 26th Nov 2018

One of finish product on coin purse with 4 pocket.

 One design on coin purse.
Rear view of coin purse. simple strap

The sole purpose of adding a simple strap was to make it easier to retrieve this coin purse from a bag. It allow user to quickly distinguish and pull it out. As the coin inside is quite heavy when fully loaded.

Side view

Both strap end are just a simple knot terminated for ease
to replace them when required.
Peek into inside of coin purse

    = = = = = =  End of document = = = = = =

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