Leather Tools and Tips #5

Leather tools project

This project is to protect asset and part of safety aspect for this hobby for sharp pointed tool sheath .

Project is a very simple and straight forward and use small scrap leather.
The scratch awl is very sharp tool, to protect it sharp tip have use leather to cover  over tips.

 One sample sheath for scratch awl tool.
 The design is such that the pointed tips does not protrude outside the sheath . The depth is limited as set forth by the handle shape is engaged.

It will be better if a taper plastic cone cap is inserted for better protection.

One sample shealth for another scratch awl.

Simple sheath for scratch awl

Update 5th Dec 2018

Have found a simple solution by using a small plastic end cap to minimize sharp tips of scratch awl from protrusion on sheath.
Will share a photo when it become available.
Thank you .

End of document

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