Stitching Pony Stand

                3rd version Stitching Pony project

This is another project on stitching pony stand version (third version).

One side of wooden plank to hold a JS clamp mounting and the base mounting.
Drill hole is for jig saw to cut a slotted line. This is to allow the JS clamp handle to pass thru.

 Use a bench tool top to grip project . This make it easier to drill hole for screw.
 Side view of project

Prepare to attached a leather to jig (jaw of the pony stitching).

testing new pony stitching tool

Update on 8th Nov 2018

Just to share the first version of pony stitching tool.
It is a very basic tool about 60 cm height and jaw size of about 10 cm, but the material use is weak ply wood and it is basic screw to hold the two piece ply wood.
First version of pony stitching tool.

Side view, note the three hole for different height
project size

= = = = =  End of document = = = = =

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