Non Leather Repair (Umbrella tip)

      SPECIAL repair project (non leather related project)

Have a very special repair which is non leather project request from a relative, her umbrella cum walking apparatus with a rubber foot tip worn off.

This result in loud tapping noise when she uses her umbrella/cum walking apparatus on floor surface.

Took this as challenge to repair this small issue arises due to wear and tear from the metal tip protrusion from rubber layer.

As the metal edge of the umbrella tip slowly cut off the rubber layer. After checking the design. Suspect there is limited buffer zone to minimize metal edge in contact with inner rubber foot assembly.

Hence modify to minimize metal tip in contact with rubber foot. I have added a rubber stopper at the tip point to minimize impact to rubber foot.
Noted the rubber stopper move due to user pressing the umbrella tip to floor. Thus add a short hard rubber stem inside the umbrella tip to minimize the rubber stopper retract.

Cut a #15 rubber stopper for this repair. This rubber stopper is to minimize metal tip from making contact to rubber foot. Hopefully it will minimize contact between metal tip and inner rubber layer.

Note:- the replacement rubber sheet is source from a supplier which have a wide range of foot wear parts. Select a rough surface rubber sheet meant for shoe repair.

 = = = = = End of document = = = = =

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