Scissor Casing Sheath #1

Something new on project - Scissor Casing / Sheath

Have put this aside until recently started to relook at the project.

 End product of project.

*Note:-  top right is project for scissor casing/sheath #1.

** Note:-  middle project for scissor casing/sheath #2.

*** Note:-  Bottom left project for scissor casing/sheath #3.
 Another overall view on project scissor casing / sheath.
End product of scissor casing/ sheath.

New scissor casing (second from right is a new project finish this morning).

Work in progress... sorry for the inconvenience.

= = = = =  continue with project , scissor casing/sheath #1  = = = =

 Making measurement with scissor

 Add inner lining layer.

Rear view

this is the inside view of project

= = = = =  continue with project , scissor casing/sheath #2  = = = =

 This scissor casing does not use any button. As the concept was use a long tail wrap over to hold
the scissor handle.

 First stitch the bottom part
 Next step is to verify the scissor sit in
neatly. Then add glue to both top part of leather.

The bottom long tail is folded inward.

= = = = =  continue with project , scissor casing/sheath #3  = = = =

Place a scissor as template to cut the required shape.

Apply glue to prepare for punching hole

Punch hole in progress

Add a "paper" as backing when punching hole.

Checking on new scissor casing sheath

Finish project for scissor casing/sheath #3

                             End of document   👴  .

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