Key Chain #01

New design key chain holder.

This new design is base on Pinterest web site.

Note:- Previous key chain project, dated 4th July 2018 , of similar type and design.

Add a simple leather strip attached to
key ring to make it easier to retrieve key.

= = = = = = =  slight variation and design = = = 
Update on 15th Oct 2018.

This was done as a gift for one relative from Hong Kong.

End product of project.

This design have the base leather offset from the edge. It also use a softer leather (Cow Veg Tan belly). The strap use a thicker leather which is about the same thickness of the key ring.

Share some tips and best practice.

Key ring with strap cut to shape
of ring. Note try use the same
thickness key ring to leather for

Use a scrap leather to raise height
when cut "drain" line. This to minimize
uneven pressure at edge.

Use bamboo chop stick to hold soft leather edge ,make it easier for burnishing work.

Use S/S ruler and insert in between leather piece. To allow us to concentrate on other side to attach leather piece first.

= = = = = = End of document = = = = = =

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