Badge Tag post #3

   Try another ID tag project, this round use a thicker leather and cut a hole for ID tag to sit inside.
The idea of this concept was to allow the ID tag to fit and sit in this position.

 Use an ID badge to cut this hole on a leather piece of size 12.5 cm x 7.5 cm.
 Use a fixture (bamboo chop stick)  to hold the soft edge part of project to burnish the edge of ID tag hole .

 Attach a softer leather material in front.
Note have place an aluminum sheet when perform guling process. So that the gule does not spread on cutting matt surface.

Cut the center part base on line drawn. ensure the cutting knife is sharp to get clean cut edge.
 Cut center part off.
Use an ID badge to confirm it sit and fit on this ID badge.

View of cut off for the ID card to sit in.

Show the front layer (top) to middle layer (bottom)
Position the rear pocket relative to the ID card
 Rear view, add a pocket behind badge tag.
 View of the badge front.

This is to show how stitching the ID tag

Update on 3rd Dec 2018.

End product for badge tag or ID and holder with added hook.

The hook is attached to a more rigid layer (rear layer) and give it added support.

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Stitching Pony Belt

       This a stitching pony for belt project.

Another project today is for belt project, it is long wooden piece to hold the belt when doing stitching.

The real challenge was to drill hole to
accommodate the JS clamp device.

 Finish project

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Stitching Pony Stand

                3rd version Stitching Pony project

This is another project on stitching pony stand version (third version).

One side of wooden plank to hold a JS clamp mounting and the base mounting.
Drill hole is for jig saw to cut a slotted line. This is to allow the JS clamp handle to pass thru.

 Use a bench tool top to grip project . This make it easier to drill hole for screw.
 Side view of project

Prepare to attached a leather to jig (jaw of the pony stitching).

testing new pony stitching tool

Update on 8th Nov 2018

Just to share the first version of pony stitching tool.
It is a very basic tool about 60 cm height and jaw size of about 10 cm, but the material use is weak ply wood and it is basic screw to hold the two piece ply wood.
First version of pony stitching tool.

Side view, note the three hole for different height
project size

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Purse medium

               Medium size purse project

         Past few day was busy with new project, purse medium size (approx 19 cm by 13 cm).

This project took a slightly long time as the saddle stitching takes time due to the project size to sew.

 Template for project
 Cut required leather material for project
 Burnishing the edge before punch hole.

Prepare to punch hole, use double sided tape to temporary hold both piece together.

 Prepare to stitching after punch hole

 cut the edge for the "ear"
 Align the "ear" on both side.

It better to stitch both center piece together first.
Next to stitch the front layer to center piece, last will be stitch rear layer as the last.

add double sided tape
in preparation to punch hole

Measurement for magnetic parts

punch hole for corner

Update on 30th Oct 2018.

Continue with project on purse medium size and share other project as gift.

 Finish project

Inside view

* * * Gift to relative from Bath UK* * *

The purse medium on the right is a simple for coming Christmas present for a relative base in Bath UK.
Coin purse with
two pocket as gift.

Coin purse

Coin purse and
Key chain

key chain as gift

key chain as gift/ present

               = = = = = end of document = = = = =

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...