Lady shoe repair (Adidas) 女性靴修理(アディダス)
This repair is for both right and left shoe with split outer sole for Adidas Alpha Bounce shoe. この修理は、アディダス アルファ バウンス シューズのアウターソールが分割されている左右の靴の修理です。
Another shoe to repair is HLA BLXZPD on the left shoe with split outer sole. 修理するもう 1 つの靴は、外側のソールが分割された左靴の HLA BLXZPD です。
1. The first repair is for a Adidas Alpha Bounce shoe with both side with split open for outer sole. Both split at heel end toward center.1. 最初の修理は、外側のソールが両側に割れているアディダス アルファ バウンス シューズです。 どちらもかかと端で中央に向かって分割されます。
The Adidas Alpha Bounce shoe have the split occur at the heel end. Adidas Alpha Bounce シューズはかかとの端に亀裂が生じています。
Shoe label. 靴のラベル。
The brand name and type of shoe - Adidas Alpha Bounce. ブランド名と靴の種類 - Adidas Alpha Bounce
How the shoe lace is tie for this end user
With top sole lining layer remove and see the inner sole with stitch line visible at edge.
Measure the shoe inside depth and reference point to mark where to cut a line on the rubber outer sole for hiding stitching thread.
The purpose is to approximate where the external cut line closer to the inner sole section.
This is to help locate the needle insertion point.
Use ruler to check location to cut a line for hiding stitching thread.
Before start repair is to clean the inside layer, then apply glue on the inner and outer sole layer.
Ensure to allow sufficient curing time for the glue to cure before attaching them. Try to use mallet to apply pressure when doing this process.
Once you have allow sufficient time for glue to harden before start stitching process. The main reason for stitching thread is to hold the two layer better and minimize stress. This is help reduce stress to the glue adhesion.
It is important not to cut too deep line, just sufficient depth to conceal the thread.
Dip thread one end to glue to minimize end frail when doing stitching work with needle.
check to check is the awl tool of sufficient length.
Mark the spacing in between stitch point.
Cut line on outer sole to hide thread.
Use compass to mark location for insert needle awl.
This is to show the needle awl insertion point and decide how much cut line to extend.
Repeat the same for other side of the shoe.
This complete repair done for Adidas shoe.
Another repair is HLA BLXZPD for left side of shoe only.
This shoe have split on outer sole. \the split open is from the heel end toward the centre.
Remove old glue mark and found the inner sole is loosen. Clean up area before apply glue with hardener.
After cleaning is done apply glue and allow sufficient time for glue to cure before attached both layer.
Check on model or brand name
Attach both sdie after glue is cure.
After checking the place to insert needle awl cut a a fine line to hide thread.
pull thread with awl
loop thread to terminate
UPDATE on 22nd May 2024
Some resources on how shoe are constructed to give some insight to repair shoe.
= = = = = = =
8th November 2016
As there are many ways to Rome, there are many ways to make shoes.
We have listed the most common constructions for you. Sometimes different countries have slightly different terminology for the same constructions. If you would like to share the terms that you use, leave us a comment below this article. We would love to hear the words you use!
👷 End of document 👴
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