Kitchen Chopper Work Around

 Kitchen Chopper Work Around

                 This is simple way to improve for a kitchen chopper work around.

Typically when using this chopper device, we encountered the chopped material splash around the plastic inner cover lid.

This resulted in some time consuming effort to clean the underneath of cover lid, as it is curve and tapered at certain section. 

The work around is to use any aluminium foil or bag of sufficient size and cut to shape of the glass bowl . With small hole at center to allow the blade's stem to pass thru.

Can see the chopped material with reduce splashing to cover lid.
It reduces chopped material touching the inner cover lid.
This minimize cleaning inner cover lid and save time.

Show how to trim foil by first trace the cover lid outline.

Cut the foil base on the mark line. Note the outer edge you can trim lines so that it can sit better onto the glass bowl.

Lower photo..

This is to share that the foil have reduce splashing of material by chopper.

After testing it out and it work as plan.

                         👷  End of document 👴

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