Tote Bag # 10 (Tote bag handle)

 Tote Bag # 10 (Tote bag handle)

This is one way to make tote bag handle. It uses base ball stitching method to make handle without the center part protruding on handle.
Try out this way to fabricate a tubular handle for tote bag.

For this design the length of corded handle is about 84 cm from hook tip to hook tip. 
Leather handle point to point, without hook is 75 cm in length.

Prepare rope cord and wrap a sponge layer over it.

Tips:- It is recommended to ensure both end of the rope end are properly terminated by using lighter heat to melt plastic material to fuse them. Within the rope there is two layer, hence after cutting the end it is are expose.

Take a sponge to check the circumference to warp around the rope cord.

This step is important to look out for "error" when wrap around.
Tools use to cut sponge strip, for wrap around the nylon rope.
The purpose of the sponge to give a bigger size handle.

Apply glue to center line of sponge

Slowly lay rope cord on sponge.

Use paper clip to hold the sponge in position. 

Tips:- it best to apply glue and let it set over time before apply pressure to wrap sponge.

Slowly pinch the two edge together on sponge and slowly work the whole length.

Finally use your hand to roll the sponge to ensure better bonding of the glue.

Use leather material to measure the cord circumference to cut for wrap around the cord.

The inner most of the cord is soft rope and wrap around with sponge. 

To get the correct circumference measurement for sponge material also use the same technique.

Once unfold we can see the mark point to determine the required leather width.

It is very important to use the actual leather to measure the circumference of the cord.

Estimate the place to fold line to hold hook bar.
It help to mark end of cord position, the middle line is to assist to position and glue cord on center of leather strap.

Note and tips.
It better to glue the cord with it center face down. This method will ensure the round surface of cord is facing upward, this will get better end result. 

Tools to measure and cut leather materials.

Tips:- it important to determine the cord length required and customize to each user needs.


Way to punch hole using a magnifying glass to help ensure proper alignment.

In this case use a 5 mm spacing punch to create a more visible cross over stitching pattern.

Another view angle on punch hole, this is one way to check on the work..
Use punch hole with 5mm spacing on one side first. 

Note - first punch hole on one side, next is to apply glue to edge such it is to hold both edge in position and punch hole for the other edge.

This is one way to ensure both edge have the same alignment for punch hole.

Allow glue to set before temporary seal the two edge as close a possible.
Get ready to punch hole the second hole for the other edge. 

The glue is to temporary hold both edge in place for punch second hole for the other edge.

This method to punch hole is not suitable due to the wood surface is too soft.
Use long paper clip is also not suitable in this case
Try use a raise wooden block is not a good idea as it is unstable and can slip off.

Position an interface material on top of strip. To strength the surface of leather in contact with hook bar.

Use a skiver machine to tapper trim the surface. Adjust the thickness knob as pull the leather strip

Ensure the one end interface under the cord, while other end after the hook bar.

There should be sufficient surface without the interface layer.

Use a skive knife to trim further if required. To ensure about 5 mm is paper thin thickness.

Now apply glue to the center part of leather. This is hold the cord in position
Preparation for folding the end strip and tools.

It best to mark on cord where the leather meet. This to ensure the glue is apply to the border.

When the glue is set and ready to fold the strip it important to press the strip[p where is meet the cord surface.

It is critical to use finger to shape the strip onto the cord round surface. use paper clip to hold the two surface to allow glue to harden.

Scrap the surface where glue is apply, it very useful step to ensure proper adhesion for two surface.

Loop twice on thread for the first hole and apply base ball stitch. Note because the first hole is bigger so slowly tension the thread with care.

Be consistent when performing stitching, needle from top to down as shown above.

Be consistent when performing stitching, other needle from down to top as shown above.

Terminate one end before hook area.

Thread length required in this stitching technique (for other half of base ball method) need about 5.5 to 6.0 distance on thread length as the base ball cross stitch need longer thread.

Close up view on tote bag handle at mid point. You can see the pattern with V shape point meets.

Overall view of tote bag handle
Close up view of the hook.

                       👶 👷  End of document  👴

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