Tote Bag # 11 (Small Tote Bag)

 Tote Bag # 11 (Small Tote Bag)

          This tote bag was design to be small size with it bottom base 10 cm by 35 cm approximately. The depth of bag is about 25 cm. 

With simple and straight forward leather strap of about 3 cm width and 61 cm length and use copper rivet for handle.

Only idea to allow inner accessories attached using VL button on " handle rivet".

Please follow up with future project for fabricate inner bag to attach using the VL button to hold within.

The leather material is soft and light and colour is brown ,thickness of about 1.0 mm.

Update 22nd Oct 2020 for inner pocket project/

Overall view of original leather material for fabricate into a tote bag.
Marking on size of leather "5.00" sq ft

maximum usable size is about 33 cm by 47 cm approximately
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Use paper as template and try out the shape , cutting and size for tote bag.
The view to visualize the bottom, side shape.

This is one simple way to save cost and can make adjustment on design as move forward by using paper.


Drawing done for bag.

Select material and some of tools for making base layer.

note :- two round item is weigh for holding the leather while cutting or making measurement. it is make of cement material.

close up view. the hard interface board is added to give support. In this case the board is about 2 mm thickness. 
This is sandwich in between both (bottom and top) leathers.

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This is the inner layer for bottom, a lining leather material.
Shown is basic tools to marking, cutting and glue.
There is about 1 cm seam allowance.

Bottom view of bag with marking in preparation for stitching
Stitching both leather together with interface board in between.
Stitching in progress.

The top edge is folded and stitching done.

Note:- temporary use thread to hold the side together so to make stitching easier.

It is prefer to start stitching at the top and move forward in that direction.

Recommend to start a few punch hole and move toward the edge and return stitch toward the bottom.

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Use stitching pony to hold project.

Tips:- As the leather is soft do take note in handling and when stitching it is not recommend to pull thread too tight.

Adjust your thread tension base on leather material properties and thickness.

Notice if tension is too tight the leather stitch will cause uneven stitch pattern.

= = = = = = = = = = stitching issue = = = = =

These are common issue when doing saddle stitching where the needle piece the thread during stitching process.

The thread on the right side when pull away the issue will be visible. If this issue is not corrected or rectify then it will be apparent the stitch will NOT allow proper stitching to proceed.
The thread will get entangle and more difficult to continue. 

There are few factors which will result in this issue.
1. In correct needle size use, as the correct needle tips are rounded.
2. The punch hole size does not match with needle and thread size.
3. Stitching technique also play it part.
4. Incorrect punch hole and needle size and thread size mismatch.
5. Punch hole in consistent where the punch did not punch tip is not piece.

This problem can resolve by pulling the thread away from needle tip.
Another view where the needle have piece the opposite thread.
It best to resolve by pulling the needle in reserve direction or pull the thread forward. 
Another technique is to pull the needle away or reverse the needle position.
It is important this step is taken to avoid the entanglement of the thread during saddle stitching.

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This way to terminate the stitching. Stitch flow towards bottom and  backward stitching, cut thread sufficient to melt with lighter.
Trim off the thread and use lighter on the tips of thread.

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Position the leather in preparation to sew the bottom to side.

Verify the two piece location where to punch hole
Use clips hold two edge in position
Once confirm position can proceed with punch hole. This will ensure proper alignment between two layer.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  😃 fabricate strap handle 👴 = = = = = = = = = = 

Cut long handle strap, width is 3 cm and length is 61 cm.

Cutting handle strap

Use edge beveler tool to round off the rough edge on all side.

After this burnishing action.

Copper rivet , washer and rivet setter tool, round punch.

Add a leather spacer washer to cushion copper washer.

Note:- use a round hole punch and match with rivet to confirm size of round hole punch.
Marking position for round punch.
Use clip to hold and align two piece .

Both handle strap marking for punch hole. The small piece is for mounting a VL button.

Copper rivet preparation

Measure original rivet is about 14 mm. 

Cut rivet to required length after measure thickness on leather stack together.
To estimate the rivet length required ,you and use a external clipper or the thickness gage.

File rivet head to allow copper washer to fit.

Use punch to push washer into position.

Note :- VL button in between copper rivet.

Use rivet setter tool to round off the head.

close up view on rivet head, notice the round head is done.

Finish tote bag project

Inside view of tote bag. 
Notice both side have VL button installed. Purpose is to add flexible attaching inner bag concept on either side.

Another view on project.

Update 22nd Oct 2020. - Inner accessories for tote bag

        This project is to compliment the tote bag as part of accessorises to store items.

Use template to check and confirm it measurement.

Place a card board to check the size to fit inside tote bag.
Cut a paper cutting for pocket.

Once confirm then transfer measurement fit next to transfer measurement to leather.

The base is a hard paper of about 2 mm thickness as the backing and support for accessory.
Leather is glued to hard paper base, next to design pocket.

Template for one of the pocket. Cut leather material base on paper template. 
Take note of the pocket shape fold line.

Both side of the pocket is folded to accommodate a mobile phone.

It best to fold the pocket shape using paper and check the size of mobile can fit.

Pocket folding in preparation for glue on the base. Repeat the same for the other side.
Remember to all have sufficient space on edge for seam allowance.

Note to add a button  before stitching . This is for a strap to be added later.

Allow a gap on the pocket bottom . Note it better is the gap for bottom pocket. As it is uneven is to add a small strip in between to make it same height.

Was over sight in this case, hence learn from this lesson.

Do take note to allow gap for stitching support base. 

Once confirm position for pocket, punch hole in preparation for stitching.

Tips :- check position to place as this determine the pocket size.

Another pocket design use a different approach. Where the bottom is "S" shape. It bottom corner are cut L shape.

This is one way to seal the bottom corner pocket.

First stitch the bottom pocket , then proceed to attach both side pocket.

Add strap for the first pocket.

Note a punch mark for install VL button.

Finish project for inner bag pocket

                         End of Document  👵 👵

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