Leather Stripper #3

               This how we choose leather material for making man belt (30 mm, 35 mm and 40 mm).

Step 1. choose appropriate raw leather material

In this case we choose a Belting Alaska Leather
there is three choice colour

The position of the cutting blade need correct position to minimize leather running off and skip and end result leather is worthless and have to scrap. This is an expensive lesson.

Set up on the floor, later notice it need a certain changes to make it easier to draw the leather as we pull in the direction toward user.

First cut line is important as it will impact the entice belt. hence have to pay special attention.

You will notice since the leather material is big and heavy so pay great attention to add roller and or wooden plank to create a smooth work flow movement to assist in cutting to get better result.

Use pier or in this case I have special pier for shoe repair to help draw the leather material.

As you can see the underneath of the leather is support to transfer the flow movement as smooth as possible.

In this case the plywood is resting on a small stool and clamp with G clamp device to  plywood base.
It is vital the splitter need to be "solid grounded"

View from the other end of leather splitter

Basic tools

This is how to set the belt width sliding L bracket.

           👮  End of document

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