Modify hand held circular saw to table version - 手持ち丸鋸をテーブルバージョンに変更

 Use a friend hand held circular saw (SKIL 1300 watt, 184mm, 0-45 degree, no load speed 5500 rpm, weight 4.4kg).

Make a table top to accommodate this circular saw to be table top version, circular saw is mounted underneath.

Use a plywood of approximate size , 68 cm x 74 cm, thickness 1.5 cm. , to cut the hold first is to take measurement of the circular saw's mouth .

Once measurement is taken, it is to decide the position and draw line on plywood to cut with jig saw. 

友人の手持ち丸鋸 (SKIL 1300 ワット、184mm、0 ~ 45 度、無負荷速度 5500 rpm、重量 4.4kg) を使用します。


おおよそのサイズ、68 cm x 74 cm、厚さ 1.5 cm の合板を使用します。 ホールドを切断するには、まず丸鋸の口の寸法を測定します。


Overall view of plywood marking with paper template. Check position
Cut a scrap end piece to prevent saw from moving it position

Tools for work, clamp to hold it position and jig saw to cut material and open hole, drill to cut hole for jig saw blade

Check position for install circular saw mounting

Tools fpor this project

Use jig saw to cut out hole for circular saw to protrude

* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

                              End of document  文書の終わり👲👲

Carpentry Class (Hull UK) - 大工教室(ハル英国)

 This is to share a training course I attended in HULL UK, it is compress two day course on wood work on joinery (lap Joint, Dovetail Joint and etc).


This course is conducted by a City & Guild certified wood work, with vast experience , special skill set trainer, simple to understand instruction, a wide range of tools , a great way to learn and ample opportunity for hand on project ( he have numerous You Tube video please check it out).

Those interested please check schedule to avoid disappointment.

Facebook -

This is what I learned in this wood work course please log into this web site and do your enquiry. It best confirm the schedule from a two days course, 

I choose joinery class as this the very basic and fundamental. It important to me (even though I have some wood work experiences but still it good way to start from a fresh) This is a first time encounter and the rights way to go forward.

Without further a do, the very first items basic, is safety rules, security, and short tour of the work shop, self introduction and get familiar with some tools, equipment gear, work area surrounding , basic cleanliness and simple ground rules for the safety of all personnel within work shop.

Of course questions and answer related to wood work is essential to better understanding

このコースは、豊富な経験、特別なスキルセットのトレーナー、わかりやすい指導、幅広いツール、優れた学習方法、実践的なプロジェクトの十分な機会を備えたシティ&ギルド認定の木工職人によって実施されます(彼には多数のあなたがいます) チューブビデオをチェックしてください)。


フェイスブック -

これは私がこの木工講座で学んだことです。 このウェブサイトにログインしてお問い合わせください。 2日間のコースからスケジュールを確認するのが一番良いですが、

私は建具のクラスを選択しました。これは非常に基本的で基本的なものです。 それは私にとって重要です(木工の経験はありますが、それでも新鮮な状態から始めるには良い方法です)これは初めての出会いであり、前進するための正しい方法です。

さらにする必要はありません。基本的な最初の項目は、安全規則、セキュリティ、作業工場の短いツアー、自己紹介、いくつかの工具、設備ギア、作業エリアの周囲、基本的な清潔さと安全のための簡単な基本ルールに慣れることです。 作業場内の全従業員の。


What I learn from this class (this is my own opinion and experience) is we at time take thing for granted and the skill set we acquire might not be correct and productive. That is why I enroll this course is to update one own skill and there other way to achieve the desire result from proper training class.

This is of course there is no hard and fast rules, the fundamental skill for wood work is very important to me as I this while is tried various way due to limited tools I had on hand. In the real world there is no perfect tools but what skill is equally important to achieve your desire target. 

Each person have their weak and strong point when using whatever tool at their disposable. Like you can buy the best tools but lack of understanding the basic or fundamental can have different end result.

I would like to share the fundamental of using hand tools is the very basic level in wood working. Well some people might agreed and some might disagreed (No one is perfect). Like I say there is no right and wrong but the process to learning is critical for success. Hence like to share some inform I gather from You Tube video (this is not complete list, you might agreed or disagreed)

このクラスから学んだこと(これは私自身の意見と経験です)は、私たちは時々物事を当然のことと考えており、私たちが習得するスキルセットは正しくなく、生産的ではない可能性があるということです。 だからこそ私がこのコースに登録したのは、自分のスキルを更新するためであり、適切なトレーニングクラスで希望の結果を達成するための別の方法があるからです。

もちろん、これに厳密なルールはありません。手持ちの工具が限られているため、さまざまな方法を試している間、木工の基本的なスキルは私にとって非常に重要です。 現実の世界には完璧なツールはありませんが、願望目標を達成するにはどのようなスキルも同様に重要です。

使い捨てのツールを使用するとき、人にはそれぞれ弱点と強みがあります。 最高のツールを購入できても、基本や基礎を理解していないと最終結果が異なる可能性があるのと同じです。

手工具の使い方の基本は、木工における非常に基本的なレベルであることを共有したいと思います。 まあ、同意する人もいれば、反対する人もいるかもしれません(完璧な人はいません)。 私が言うように、正しいことも間違っていることもありませんが、成功には学習のプロセスが重要です。 そこで、You Tube のビデオから収集した情報を共有したいと思います (これは完全なリストではありません。同意する場合もあれば、同意しない場合もあります)。

=============== You Tube video =============

How To Use a Saw (The Correct Method)

Matt Estlea                         64,316 views  5 Feb 2022     (12:31 minutes)

Matt Estlea's Woodworking Tutorials

In this video, you'll learn the principles and the fundamentals for clean, accurate sawing. Whether you're using a dovetail saw, a carcass saw, a tenon saw or a panel saw, you'll find something useful here.



👉 How To Chisel Correctly                                 • How To Use a Chisel (The Correct Method)  

👉 Japanese Sawing Techniques (Katz-Moses)    • How to Saw Correctly - tips and trick...  



😤 Getting Impatient? Skip to the good stuff below:  ⬇️

00:00 Intro                                        00:43 Positioning

01:13 Arm and Wrist Alignment       02:17 Line of Sight

02:59 Gripping the Handle               03:36 Grip Strength

04:29 Using Your Thumb                 05:46 Using The Reflection

06:14 Using a Saw                           06:43 Push. Don't Pull

08:33 Cutting Square                        09:52 Cutting Plumb

10:23 Long Strokes                           11:10 Challenge

11:57 Outro



🚀 Purchasing and Using Tools Correctly      https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c... 

🪚 How To Make a Dovetailed Box:                https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c... 

🛠 How To Make a Cabinet:                           https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c... 

🧰 How To Make a Toolbox:                         https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c... 

✏️ How To Design Furniture                        https://freeonlinewoodworkingschoo


Which Woodworking Joint SHOULD YOU USE?

Matt Estlea

648,092 views  6 Jul 2018  Hand Cut Joints

After many requests, here is my method for choosing the most suitable woodworking joint for a certain task. Keep in mind that there are many paths to achieve the same destination in woodworking, this is no exception. What is important to understand is the consequences of choosing a certain joint over another.



📘 Collins Complete Woodworkers Manual

📖 Workbenches: Design & Theory to Construction & Use 

📚 The Overstory - My Favourite Fiction Books about Trees 



🛠️ Knew Concepts Fret Saw               

⬜️ Faithfull Engineers Squares          

⚙️ Veritas Wheel Marking Gauge     

🗡 Precision Marking Knife                

🎥 Lumix S1H Mirrorless Camera    


🌍 My Website / Blog:

💌 Monthly Newsletter: 



Intro to Joinery - Understanding the Basics to be a Better Woodworker

3x3Custom - Tamar

744,062 views  12 May 2022   ( 25:46 minutes)

Huge thanks to reMarkable for sponsoring this video! The reMarkable 2 Paper Tablet has completely streamlined my workflow as I design and build my projects. You can check it out here -

As always, Thanks to Woodcraft for sponsoring what I do! You can find everything you need to start creating beautiful woodworking projects here -

For more specific items I used in this video… keep on scrolling! 

Want to learn more? Check out my website -


Dowel Desk For my son with Plugged Screws: 

   • Building a Desk Using Dowels for Draw...  

Dowel Jig: 

  • Making an ADJUSTABLE Doweling Jig for...  

Wood Movement Calculator from Jonathan Katz-Moses:

Table with Hidden Spline Miter Joint:

   • Waterfall End Table with Hidden Splin...  

Box with Brass Splines (Router Table Spline Jig):

   • Walnut Tea Box // Brass Inlay /

** Update on 16th Nov 2023

=============== You Tube video Joinery Topic  =============

Which Woodworking Joint SHOULD YOU USE?

Matt Estlea                 648,092 views  6 Jul 2018  Hand Cut Joints

After many requests, here is my method for choosing the most suitable woodworking joint for a certain task. Keep in mind that there are many paths to achieve the same destination in woodworking, this is no exception. What is important to understand is the consequences of choosing a certain joint over another.



🚀 Purchasing and Using Tools Correctly         https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c...

🎁 How To Make a Dovetailed Box:                 https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c...

🛠 How To Make a Cabinet:                               https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c...

🧰 How To Make a Toolbox:                            https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c...

✏️ How To Design Furniture                             https://freeonlinewoodworkingschool.c...  



📘 Collins Complete Woodworkers Manual                  

📖 Workbenches: Design & Theory to Construction & Use

📚 The Overstory - My Favourite Fiction Books about Trees



🛠️ Knew Concepts Fret Saw             

⬜️ Faithfull Engineers Squares          

⚙️ Veritas Wheel Marking Gauge      

🗡 Precision Marking Knife                

🎥 Lumix S1H Mirrorless Camera    

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  =

Intro to Joinery - Understanding the Basics to be a Better Woodworker

3x3Custom - Tamar            744,062 views  12 May 2022   (25:46 minutes)

Huge thanks to reMarkable for sponsoring this video! The reMarkable 2 Paper Tablet has completely streamlined my workflow as I design and build my projects. You can check it out here -

As always, Thanks to Woodcraft for sponsoring what I do! You can find everything you need to start creating beautiful woodworking projects here -

For more specific items I used in this video… keep on scrolling!

Want to learn more? Check out my website -



Dowel Jig: 

Pocket Hole Jig:                                   

Ryoba Handsaw:                                  

Miter Gauge:                                        

Rabbeting Bit:                                       

Tongue and Groove Bit Set:                   

 Flat Top Grind Blade (FTG) for Joinery:

Dovetail Router Bit:                               





Dowel Desk For my son with Plugged Screws:

  • Building a Desk Using Dowels for Draw...  

Dowel Jig:

  • Making an ADJUSTABLE Doweling Jig for...  

Wood Movement Calculator from Jonathan Katz-Moses:

Table with Hidden Spline Miter Joint:

  • Waterfall End Table with Hidden Splin...  

Box with Brass Splines (Router Table Spline Jig):

  • Walnut Tea Box // Brass Inlay /

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  =

* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

** Note I am not sponsor by any company, or person/s as this is an expression of  opinion base on my own judgment. I declare openly I do not get any commission for writing this article.

                         End of document  👲

New rice cooker defective latch - 新しい炊飯器のラッチ不良

 This a new rice cooker device which was brand new unit Philips HD3038 model. Issue is the latch mechanism was broken (simple failure, broken tag).

これは、フィリップス HD3038 モデルの新しい炊飯器 デバイスです。 問題は、ラッチ機構が壊れていることです (単純な故障、タグの破損)。

Brand is PHILIPS , Viva Collection Fuzzy Logic Rice Cooker HD3038/03 › HD3038_03 › viva-coll...
philips HD3038 from
The Philips cooker looks great with temperature control and an extremely durable, cutting-edge 5-layer golden inner pot, which conducts heat evenly for food ...

ブランドはPHILIPS、ビバコレクション ファジーロジック炊飯器 HD3038/03 › HD3038_03 › ビバコレ...
フィリップス HD3038 ( より)
フィリップスのクッカーは、温度制御と非常に耐久性の高い最先端の 5 層金色内鍋を備えており、食材に均一に熱を伝えます。

Door latch mechanism inspection on rice cooker.
Check the pin recess for defect.


Check the pin recess for defect.


Check gap between latch and cooker face area.


This temporary repair was remove after received a new spare part

On 12th Nov order a new spare part for this broken part, repair done.
Note:  to replace this new part you need to be careful to insert the plastic parts, good luck
The trick is to slowly insert one end with slanting position and I apply oil to ensure smooth insertion for this repair.


11 月 12 日にこの壊れた部品の新しいスペア部品を注文し、修理が完了しました。
注: この新しい部品を交換するには、プラスチック部品を慎重に挿入する必要があります。頑張ってください。

Update on 22nd Dec   12月22日更新

* Note after repair we have started to use it for daily cooking foodie. One note is the new latch is abit new and tight and difficulty to open when press latch. Work around temporary is to use a screwdriver to ply open.

※修理後、日常の料理に使用するようになりましたのでご了承ください。 1 つの注意点は、新しいラッチが少し新しくてきつめで、ラッチを押すと開きにくいことです。 一時的な回避策は、ドライバーを使用してこじ開けることです。

* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。
                               👦      End of document     👲

Non leather project - Mosquito netting ( 非皮革プロジェクト - 蚊帳)

 Non leather project - Mosquito /insect netting

This is one request from a friend who is interested to add mosquito netting for his condominium balcony.

One big issue raised by him is there are seasonal insect (a small insect that produce painful sting) enter thru the balcony sliding glass door gaps. He had tried use other materials to close the gap on the sliding door mechanism.

Hence try to gather some information on how to fabricate a netting design to suit his needs.

Note :- I have some experience on making insect netting, please refer to a post ,Non Leather Repair #7 (Door grill netting repair) – March 2019.


彼が提起した大きな問題の 1 つは、季節性の昆虫 (刺されて痛みを伴う小さな昆虫) がバルコニーのガラス引き戸の隙間から侵入することです。 彼は引き戸機構の隙間を埋めるために他の素材を使おうとした。


注:- 防虫ネットの製作経験があります。2019 年 3 月の記事「非革修理 #7 (ドアグリルネットの修理)」を参照してください。

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * * * 8 * *

Parts resources

Aluminium Service, (Aluminium extrusion part supplier)

115 Lorong Perak ,  11600 Penang.

Tel # +60 4 281 2821 (HQ) , Email:

8:30am to 5:00pm

== ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** ==

Xiang Loong Hardware Trading, (Aluminium accessories)

354-G Jalan Jelutong,  11600 Penang.

Tel # +60 4 2834599 , Email:

8:30am to 6:00pm

== ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** == ** ==

TF Hardware & Electrical Trading (PG0190884-A) (Fibreglass screen net)

1-G-1, Jalan Kenari, Taman Desaria,

Sungai Ara, 11900 Pulua Pinang.

Mobile # 012-479-0987 ( Ms Annie Tan)  ,   Email:

9:30am to 8:00 pm

Fiberglass Window Screen - 18 x 16 Mesh 4ft x 100ft

Note:- there are two other type of netting material (each material have the pro and con)

a) Aluminium version ( not recommend for site close to sea side )

b) Stainless steel version


For tools requirement, watch the You Tube video for guidance and recommendation.

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YouTube resource URL LINK  ( YouTube リソースの URL リンク)

Pleated mosquito net window || pleated mesh window

Cnc plasma cutting

59,455 views  18 Mar 2021 (6:07 minutes)

Mosquito net window for upvc

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Retractable Pleated Screen For Doors w/ Aria Solutions.

Aria Solutions 16,999 views  1 Mar 2014  (3:23 minutes)

Retractable Screen: Pleated Aside (Door) 

Our Pleated Systems are available in do-it-yourself (DIY) packages with complete assembly instructions.

The thin profiles and high quality pleated mesh and components allow for a reduction of 40 cm (15.74'') in height and width to provide custom measurements. Aria Solutions pleated systems provide pre-assembled screen which result in fast and easy installation. Only 4 screws, one for each corner, would be enough to install your system. For a peaceful insect-free night and a comfortable and clean environment during the day, we suggest the installation of these types of screens.

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How to Replace a Window Screen - Easy!

diane r 58,227 views  14 Aug 2016  (8:53 minutes)

Concise & complete guide -  replace a window screen. 

Tips on how to keep the screen wrinkle free & not too tight.

I've researched and tested the best method to get the job done.  Get professional looking results.

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Window Screen Repair Instruction

WCSkills 429,216 views  18 Jun 2014 (9:09 minutes)

Here's a lesson on window screen repair from Mark The Window Cleaner.

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Replace A Door Screen - Ace Hardware

Ace Hardware 116,481 views  25 Jun 2019 (7:46 minutes)

Watch as Ace's Home Expert, Lou Manfredini, shows you how to easily replace a torn screen on your door.

Featured Products:

Door Spline 

Spline Tool  

Window Screen

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Pro Tip Re screening

Around The Home 437,466 views  29 Sept 2013  (7:38 minutes)

Amazon Links:

Window Screen Roller Tool:

Fiberglass Screen:

Aluminum Screen:

.140" Screen Spline ( same as I used in video ) :

.125" Screen Spline:

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JOSHUA THE WINDOW CLEANER 1,442 views  24 Jul 2022  (26:24 minutes)

There are many ways to screen a window screen. This is how I build a window screen in the shop. I hope maybe some of these tips can help so of those DIY at home repairing screens as well. This video will be mainly for training new employees. I hope you enjoy any feedback would be great.

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How to Measure for new Screens in Aluminum Windows..."James knows".

James Company Hardware 108,021 views  25 May 2012  (4:42 minutes)

Step by step instruction on how to measure and install new screens in aluminum windows

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How To Build a Window Screen - Using a Frame Kit

Everyday Home Repairs 151,957 views  29 Jun 2020    (9:28 minutes)

Complete guide to building a window screen.  It is very common to either have a bent screen frame or missing screen where you will need to follow the below steps which are included in this video to complete your project:

1)  Measuring the size needed

2)  Cutting the frame and frame assembly

3) Screening the frame with fiberglass screen

4)  Install and lessons learned

Overall this is an approachable project by everyone and seeing the complete process done will help you save time on your project.

Part and Tools Used

Screen Frame Kit:

Roller Tool:

12 foot tape measure:

Mitre Box:


Stanley Utility Knife:

Tools Every Weekend Warrior Needs

Makita Corless Drill Combo Kit:

Dewalt Drill Bit Set:

Dewalt Screwdriver Bit Set:

Craftsman Screwdriver Set:

Eklind Allen Wrench Set:

Pliers (4-Piece Set):

Stanley Tape Measure:

Studbuddy Stud Finder:

Johnson Torpedo Level:

Stanley Hammer:

Buck Bros Wood Chisel Set:

Klein Voltage Tester: 

Wire Strippers: 

Little Giant Ladder:

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How to make a mosquito net door perfectly..... 👌

Ajju (all in one) 43,244 views  22 Feb 2021 (11:23 minutes)

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Sliding Screen Door Re-Screening

Prime-Line Products 960,774 views  4 Sept 2010  (14:59 minutes)

In this video we show you how to re-screen your damaged sliding screen door using only very basic hand tools.   Without the use of a large table it's a little more difficult, but as you'll see, it can be done.

Window And Screen Repair Tables, Spline, Tools, Frame, Corners, Etc.

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Wrinkle-Free Window Screen Replacement | How to Tips | DIY Repair Replace Change Patch Fix Holes

Poolarity - Life Hacks 29,669 views  10 Aug 2020 (11:43 minutes)

Repair Kit -

Spline Tool -

Rubber Spline -

Fiberglass Screen -

Utility Knife -

How to replace a Window Screen and do it Wrinkle Free, DIY Do it Yourself Perfectly

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Screen Tight Install Tips and Tricks

Anthony Shelton

235,654 views  14 Jul 2020  (55:44 minutes)

(for fix net screen type project)

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Window Screen Repair Instruction


429,470 views  18 Jun 2014  (9:09 minutes)

Here's a lesson on window screen repair from Mark The Window Cleaner.

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How To Build Window Screens

iScaper1 1,353,396 views    6 Jul 2016  (8:53 minutes)

Step by step instructions on how to build window screens using a screen frame kit. Video covers:

* Measuring for screen dimensions

* Cutting the screen frame pieces

* Installing corner connectors, pull tabs, and tension springs

* Cutting screen material and installing spline

* Installing the new screen into the window frame

Please support my YouTube channel iScaper1 by using my Amazon Storefront to purchase products on Amazon.

iScaper1’s Amazon Storefront:

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Window screen replacement: do it yourself

iScaper1 1,064,260 views  12 Jun 2012 (11:22 minutes)

Do it yourself video on how to repair your own window screens.

A spline roller, flat blade screwdriver, duct tape, scissors, and utility knife are all you need to replace damaged window screens in your home. 

Video also covers how to remove a window screen that has broken tabs.

To see how to remove the window screen from the window frame click the following link:

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How to Build a Window Screen | Repair and Replace

AMRE Supply 426,288 views  14 Jun 2017 (5:14 minutes)

In this episode of Repair and Replace, Vance shows how to build a window screen out of frame bar stock.           Update - At 1:27 the line should be "If you measure 3/8" then get a 5/16" bar and corner pieces."

Building a window screen is simple, inexpensive and can be done without any power tools. This includes aluminum and fiberglass window screens.

Browse Window Screen Hardware

How to Replace a Window Screen

** My Comment – Good place to start from basic and simple instruction

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EZ Screen Room Installation

EZ Handrail & EZ Screen Room        119,588 views  8 May 2019 (10:51 minutes)

Installation video for EZ Screen Room.  Visit us online at for more information.

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* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                           👷  End of document 👴

Cloth pencil case - - 布製ペンケース

 First try on making pencil case with cotton cloth material, hope to make for children and adult to use.

Interest to fabricate pencil case was largely due to available design, shape, size and ..many more option.

Plus on You Tube video there are hundred of choice for teaching people how to make pencil for various design, shape, purpose, usage, and some customization. 

It also teach on the various technique to accomplish this project. There are some very unique way to make this small and simple project



さらに、You Tube ビデオには、さまざまなデザイン、形状、目的、使用方法、カスタマイズに合わせて鉛筆の作り方を教えるための選択肢が 100 種類あります。

また、このプロジェクトを達成するためのさまざまなテクニックについても教えます。 この小さくてシンプルなプロジェクトを作るための非常にユニークな方法がいくつかあります

Fabric Cut List:

Follow author recommendation.

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ペンケース作り方 簡単裏地付き マチ付き kawaii pouch How to sew the pencil case

 225,756 views          15 May 2019    (14:49 minutes)                   By chieko043

 ペンケース   作り方 簡単裏地付き マチ付き kawaii pouch  縫い代の見えない作り方

DIY ペンケースの作り方(ボックスポーチBox pouch

 How to make Zipper Pouch        How to sew the pencil case

 幅約20cm 高さ約7cm マチ5cm


表生地 10cm×23cm 2枚

内生地 10cm×23cm 2枚

芯地  10cm×23cm 4

ファスナー20cm 1

飾り 1個

トーションレース 6cm


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裏地付きマチあり簡単ペンケース作り方 25cmファスナー kawaii pouch 縫い代の見えない作り方

193,897 views 27 May 2019    (21:29 minutes)  By chieko043

裏地付きマチあり簡単ペンケース作り方 25cmファスナー kawaii pouch  縫い代の見えない作り方

How to make a pouch        How to make pencases



表生地 14cm×28cm 2枚

内生地 14cm×28cm 2枚

接着芯 13cm×28cm 4枚

25cm ファスナー 1本

トーションレース 6cm 2本    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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Some technique they share for making pencil case, hence share these link on You Tube

Complete Tutorial for the Basic Boxy Bag, ENHANCED!

236,682 views 2 Sept 2019  (50:12 minutes)     By Jess OklaRoots

The Boxy Bag was my FIRST bag to make, and still one of my favorites!  It is simple, but can also be adapted into a bag with more interesting and useful additions. 

In this tutorial I’ll walk you through exactly how I make my two toned, fully lined with mesh pocket boxy bag. Just starting out?  Skip the optional steps.  Ready to kick it up a notch? Include those mesh pockets and fusible fleece!


Fabric Cut List:

Exterior - (2) 13.5” x 4.5” top of bag cuts,                        (1) 13.5” x 9” bottom of bag cut

Lining -  (2) 13.5” x 8.5”                                                                    (2) 4” x 3.5”

SF101  - Cuts for all cotton pieces

Optional - 

        Fusible Fleece - (2) 12.5” x 7.5”

        Mesh - (2) 4” x 9”

        Elastic - (2) 9”

        Lining Fabric - (2) 8.5” x 2”



12” Zipper                                             40 weight Cotton Thread

Fat Quarter Exterior                                Fat Quarter Contrast

Half Yard SF101 or WovenFuse            Fat Quarter Lining

Fat Quarter Fusible Fleece (optional)    Mesh (optional)        Elastic (optional)

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* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

= = = = = ++++ = = = = = + + + + + = = = = = = = = = = ++++ = = = = = + + + + + = = = = =

                             👶 👳 End of document 😎 

2023 Mid Autumn Festival in UK - - 2023 年英国の中秋節

 Hello ALL blogger another year have flow thru after the scary event of COVID in 2020 to 2023 we are recovering from that negative event.

Once again we come to Mid Autumn Festival but this round it is celebrated in UK.

This date 29th Sept in UK (HULL local time)  where the moon cake festival begin.. Sorry did not see moon and drink Chinese tea,  carry lanterns,  play sparkler.. as it is cold of temperature of about 15deg C. 




大家好,在 2020 年至 2023 年的新冠肺炎可怕事件之后,又过去了一年,我们正在从那次负面事件中恢复过来。



Did you know, Winter Solstice / Dongzhi Festival is deemed more important and auspicious than the Lunar Chinese New Year because in Ancient China, the winters were treacherous and hard and often unforgiving. 
At the end of Autumn where all the yearly crops were stored to withstand this uncertain season when no one was able to farm their fields or tend to their crops and animals anymore on a daily basis, the older ones were seen to be more vulnerable and most were more susceptible to death and often felt weary, wondering if they would live to see the coming spring. 
For some, it would be their last year, but for most, they can only hope ... 
So at Winter Solstice, the onset of the first night of winter, where the days are shorter and the nights terribly long, families gather, grinding rice they have to make flour for Tong Yuen to symbolize a full circle of life and to celebrate one more year added to the lives of everyone, especially the elderly. 
Thus the belief that everyone was a year older than yesterday's autumn.
The significance of tong yuen is the binding of flour and water, family and strong tradition. The moulding with the hands of everyone in the family, old and young to shape round balls of togetherness and the syrup a sweet end to their year long hardships. A time well spent as a whole family.
It was never a religious celebration but rather a traditional one, one filled with love and hope, with grand food for everyone. A sort of  celebration to mark the beginning or perhaps an end, a time of heed, a time for reflection and contemplation. 
Then after the celebrations, they wait and listen for the coming of Spring.

Happy Winter Solstice everyone, may you always be surrounded by people who matter most, who would weather the coldest winters with you and stick by you no matter what.

秋の終わり、誰も畑を耕したり、農作物や動物の世話を日常的に行うことができなくなったこの不安定な季節に耐えるために、一年作のすべての作物が保管されていたとき、年をとったものはより脆弱で、最も危険であると見なされていました。 彼らは死にやすく、来たる春まで生きていけるだろうかと不安に思い、しばしば疲れを感じていました。
そのため、日が短くなり、夜が恐ろしく長い冬の最初の夜の始まりである冬至には、家族が集まり、人生の完全な循環を象徴し、もう一つの人生を祝うためにトンユエンのために小麦粉を作るために米を挽きます。 すべての人、特に高齢者の生活に一年が加わりました。
銅源の意義は、小麦粉と水、家族と強い伝統の結びつきです。 老いも若きも家族全員の手で丸いボールを形作り、一体感を表現し、シロップは一年の苦労を甘美に終わらせます。 家族全員で充実した時間を過ごしました。
それは決して宗教的なお祝いではなく、愛と希望に満ちた伝統的なお祝いであり、全員に豪華な食事を提供しました。 始まり、あるいはおそらく終わりを示す一種のお祝い、注意の時間、熟考と熟考の時間。


* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

            End of document 👀

How to clean VERY RUSTY part - 非常に錆びた部品の掃除方法

  By accident I purchase a sponge like material that could quickly remove rust spot with great ease.

Result shows for it self...Fantastic.


Share tips and idea only
It work fine so far...


* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                            👱   End of  document

Repair a Heater water tank (Cygnet Tea Urn) - - 修理热水器水箱(小天鹅茶瓮)-- ヒーター水タンク(Cygnet Tea Urn)を修理する

 This water tank (tea urn) is declare defective for leakage issue initially. Gygnet Model U32, U34, U36 (non water level indicator, temperature controlled concealed element).

(Japanese translation)

この水タンク(茶壷)は当初、水漏れの問題で不良品と判定されていました。 Gygnet モデル U32、U34、U36 (非水位インジケータ、温度制御隠蔽要素)。

(Mandarin translation)

该水箱(茶瓮)最初被宣告为存在漏水问题。 Gygnet 型号 U32、U34、U36(非水位指示器、温控隐藏式元件)。

User manual for tea urn (water tank), Gygnet Model U32, U34, U36 (non water level indicator, temperature controlled concealed element)

(Japanese translation)
茶壺 (水タンク)、Gygnet モデル U32、U34、U36 (水位インジケーターなし、温度制御隠蔽要素) のユーザー マニュアル

(Mandarin translation)

          But could not detect any water leakage when static test (pour full level of cold water into tank and use newspaper to test leakage was done, (after soaking it for about 3 hour) If there is any water leak the newspaper will have water mark, but in this case there is none.

しかし、静的テスト(タンクに冷水を満量入れ、新聞紙を使用して漏れテストを行った後、約3時間浸した後)では水漏れは検出できませんでした。水漏れがある場合、新聞紙に水跡が付きます。 しかし、この場合は何もありません。

Slowly add more cold water to check for leakage. Notice a new newspaper laid on table is to detect if there is any water mark or spot over time.

ゆっくりと冷水を加えて漏れがないか確認します。 新しい新聞をテーブルに置くと、時間の経過とともに水跡やシミがないかどうかが検出されることに注意してください。
After several hour sitting, top up more cold water

Check for any water mark on newspaper underneath tank

No visible leakage

Check around tea urn base, especially at the welding joint ,so far none


Fill more cold water until it is at top limit

Specification label,
Safe working pressure  = atmospheric
Volt = 240, Phase = 1, 
Loading = 3kW, frequency = 50 Hz, 

安全作動圧力 = 大気圧
ボルト = 240、位相 = 1、
負荷 = 3kW、周波数 = 50 Hz、

Overall bottom view of water tank, the electrical wiring

Inspect wiring and screw status, verify any loose wire or connection.


Found wire changes color at termination, inspect joint in greater details


This indicate there is wiring connection safety issue which need to address

Poor workmanship on electrical wiring connection


Poor workmanship is observe, twisting wires together is not good way as it can cause fire safety. Notice the BROWN wire (Hot wire) already harden and insulation color change .

This show there is poor contact connection which result overtime localize heating effect take place.

This impact safety to product, immediate action to correct issue.

仕上がりが悪いことが観察され、ワイヤーをねじり合わせるのは火災安全を引き起こす可能性があるため、良い方法ではありません。 茶色のワイヤ (熱線) はすでに硬化しており、絶縁体の色が変化していることに注目してください。



Close up view after repair is done, electrical wiring connection is check with DMM. Notice have use old electric iron outer insulation to minimize

修理完了後の拡大図。電気配線の接続をDMMで確認します。 最小限に抑えるために、古い電気アイロンの外側絶縁体を使用していることに注意してください。

* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                              👦  End of document   👷

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...