Key Chain #10

 This is new design for own key chain as the old unit have some issue.

This key chain have issue.
1) It is very bulky due to the additional padding.
2) The ring to hold the key tag encounter
the sensor plate cannot detect.
3) The pocket and elastic band is required.
4. The outside leather is cracking due to use hand sanitizer solution. Hence result in the surface is cracking and peeling off.
5. The extra post is not use.
6. Snap on button is wear and tear hence at time cannot click on. 

Next key chain design , by trying out new idea, but noted it have issue when using it.

Reason the keys being at left side and the strap is too long. This result is the key tendency to become loose.

This result in the keys moves and disturb when closing or opening door .

Re design a key chain holder, use the idea to push and pull concept.

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I design and customize this key chain base on the type, shape, thickness, materials of keys and etc I am using.

Hence the size and dimension of material used here might be applicable to your needs. However the design shared might not be suitable BUT hope it open to other option to your own key chain holder to fit your own needs.

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Completed project, to retrieve key, first unfasten the strap and slowly push the base of (b)

                                👷  End of document 👴

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