SEWING-replace elastic band - - 縫製交換用ゴムバンド

                  Trying new skill on sewing , replacing elastic band on own clothing. The old cloth have elastic band worn off, out of shape and less/weak tension.

Hence have been searching for a solution on how to replace a worn off elastic band. 

Found a few useful site and tips and gain more knowledge at the same time.

*** note:- Please see and view some of these YouTube video link related to this repair situation. So sharing these video for me to be better prepare , learn tips , how to use sewing machine and many other ideas, comments, simple technique, suggestions. And the list goes on.

For this situation on repair I try to open a small slit line on the cloth from the inside layer (wrong side facing). 

First mark the point or area or section to insert elastic material.

Then insert elastic band cut to certain length. The original "width" is about 40 cm waist line. 

自分の服のゴムバンドを交換して、裁縫の新しいスキルに挑戦します。 古い布はゴムバンドがすり減り、形が崩れ、張力が弱くなっています。



*** 注:- この修理状況に関連する YouTube ビデオ リンクの一部を参照してください。 したがって、より良い準備、ヒント、ミシンの使い方、その他多くのアイデア、コメント、簡単なテクニック、提案を学ぶためにこれらのビデオを共有します。 そしてリストは続きます。



次に、一定の長さにカットしたゴムバンドを挿入します。 本来の「幅」はウエストライン約40cm

After repair waist line is about 39 cm.

For the Zig-Zag  pattern, see other setting for this project.

Alternative way to insert elastic band is with a tweezer.


ジグザグ パターンについては、このプロジェクトの他の設定を参照してください。


End of project.  プロジェクトの終了。

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How to sew elastic (2 techniques) Sewing Tutorial with Angela Wolf.  

23 Jul 2016, (3:43) . By Craftsy.

Elastic waistbands are a quick and easy option for many garments. Learn how to sew elastic two ways, from a versatile casing to a no-budge sew-in option. Read more about types of elastic for sewing — Stock up on elastic here — Shop elastic threaders — Master sewing elastic with your serger —

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Sew an Elastic Waistband without Casing.  

26 Feb 2016, (8:32).  By Threads Sewing

Threads author Nick Comman demonstrates an -easy-to-sew technique for instering an elastic waistband without casing. This clever method helps the waistband lay flatter against the body and produces bulk-free results.

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All about ELASTIC -How to pick the right elastic for your sewing project.
16 Apr 2019. (8:48). By Seamwork.
In this video: Learn how to pick the right kind of elastic for your sewing project. Read The Ultimate Guide to Elastic here:

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Sew an Elastic Waistband without casing.
26 Feb 2016. (8:32). By Thread Sewing. Threads author Nick Comman demonstrates an -easy-to-sew technique for instering an elastic waistband without casing. This clever method helps the waistband lay flatter against the body and produces bulk-free results.

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How to sew a thin elastic band together into a wide elastic. Useful tips you would like to know.
25 Aug 2020. (5:54). By Julia Medeiros.

✂️Sometimes the ready made wide elastic band is too rigid or thick to use on delicate fabrics like silk, chiffon or thin knit fabric. ✂️This video is the detailed instruction how to make wider elastic band by stitching together side by side thin elastic strips.

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Making elastic wrist bands with Velcro latching.
7 May2020. (2:24). By neuromangler.

Shows materials to assemble elastic bands and velcro, sewn on a Singer heavy duty machine with extended foot control
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How to make your jeans bigger by inserting ELASTIC - 3 ways from very easy to professional. 18 Jun 2021. (14:09). By Downtown Tailoring.
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How to Sew an Exposed Elastic Waist band.

14 Jul 2014. (6:15). By professor Pincushion. Skip the casing and sew on wide elastic for an exposed elastic waistband. This technique will come in handy for sewing boxers and skirts.

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Sewing with Elastic in 3 Methods * How to Sew Elastic or Garter * Sewing tutorial..

11 Feb 2020. (7:03). By THE SEWIST. Xxx Encased elastic, Xxx - Zigzag stitch, Xxx - Overlock stitching.

Type of ELASTIC material. 1) Braided elastic 2) Knit elastic 3) Woven elastic 4) FOE - fold over elastic. 5) Lingerie elastic.

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                                   End of document 😎

Water bottle strap holder - - ウォーターボトルストラップホルダー

     Saw grand daughter bottle she carry have broken /missing strap. She have to hold the bottle with her bare hand on the nozzle head. 彼女が運んでいる孫娘のボトルにストラップが壊れているか紛失しているのを見ました。 彼女はノズルヘッドを素手でボトルを保持しなければなりません。

Hence decide to make a simple strap holder for this plastic bottle of about 7  cm diameter.  そこで、この直径約7cmのペットボトル用の簡単なストラップホルダーを作ってみることにしました。

Instead of using leather material, try hand with some scrap left over from previous project canvas material. 革素材を使用する代わりに、以前のプロジェクトのキャンバス素材から残った端材を使って手作りしてみてください。

Did some idea to this project, want to add id name on strap for ease to track and find her bottle, light strap to compliment the bottle, ease to install strap to bottle by use elastic band to grip on bottle, use snap hook to attach to bottle strap , a simple strap shoulder pad to suit kid size.  

このプロジェクトにアイデアを出しました。ボトルの追跡と検索を容易にするためにストラップに ID 名を追加したいと考えました。ボトルを引き立てる軽いストラップ、ゴムバンドを使用してボトルをグリップし、スナップ フックを使用してストラップをボトルに簡単に取り付けることができます。 ボトルストラップに、キッズサイズに合わせたシンプルなストラップショルダーパッド。

Check on bottle design, shape, size to determine best place to locate the strap around bottle .
It best placement is around the bottle where the original strap or two ear protrude at both side.  
Use canvas material to make some basic measurement, To decide the length for canvas and flexible elastic band to have sufficient grip on bottle.
最適な配置は、元のストラップまたは 2 つの耳が両側に突き出ているボトルの周囲です。  

Watch a short video clip on how to set up the SINGER model 2250 for embroidery pattern stitching.


By Singer Dream Zone. SINGER モデル 2250 をセットアップして刺繍パターンをステッチする方法についての短いビデオクリップをご覧ください。



Need do some practice and setting on sewing machine to optimize result. Play attention to your needle, quality size and thread type and size, quality, fabric properties and etc. 結果を最適化するには、練習とミシンの設定を行う必要があります。 針、品質のサイズ、糸の種類とサイズ、品質、生地の特性などに注意してください。

End of project and have grand daughter try out, happy day for all. プロジェクトが終了し、孫娘に試してもらいました。皆さんにとって幸せな一日になりました。

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* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

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Repair broken snap on fastener for wallet - 壊れた財布のスナップボタンを修理します

 This lady wallet have two snap on fastener loosen (wear and tear) and need replacement. Also certain part of stitches are broken. 彼の女性の財布にはスナップボタンの留め具が 2 つ緩んで (磨耗して) 交換が必要です。 また、ステッチの一部が切れています。

Verify both snap on is VT5 button size. 両方のスナップオンが VT5 ボタン サイズであることを確認します。

The socket is broken, hence the snap on fastener is weak to hold it on position. ソケットが壊れているため、スナップオンファスナーが弱く、所定の位置に保持できません。

Noted some part of stitch have broken thread.  ステッチの一部に糸が切れていることに気付きました。

After repair was done, use some olive oil and rub on wallet surface. 修理が完了したら、オリーブオイルを少し塗って財布の表面をこすってください。

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* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

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Key Chain #10

 This is new design for own key chain as the old unit have some issue.

This key chain have issue.
1) It is very bulky due to the additional padding.
2) The ring to hold the key tag encounter
the sensor plate cannot detect.
3) The pocket and elastic band is required.
4. The outside leather is cracking due to use hand sanitizer solution. Hence result in the surface is cracking and peeling off.
5. The extra post is not use.
6. Snap on button is wear and tear hence at time cannot click on. 

Next key chain design , by trying out new idea, but noted it have issue when using it.

Reason the keys being at left side and the strap is too long. This result is the key tendency to become loose.

This result in the keys moves and disturb when closing or opening door .

Re design a key chain holder, use the idea to push and pull concept.

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I design and customize this key chain base on the type, shape, thickness, materials of keys and etc I am using.

Hence the size and dimension of material used here might be applicable to your needs. However the design shared might not be suitable BUT hope it open to other option to your own key chain holder to fit your own needs.

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Completed project, to retrieve key, first unfasten the strap and slowly push the base of (b)

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Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...