Tobacco cigar holder
Do a trail design for new cigar holder for a friend.
The original design have a deep "V" shape and it height is too high relatively to the V valley which make not so user friendlier design .
Hence re design the overall project to be smaller in size and add a thin layer to raise the height and make it easier to retrieve a cigar.
Cigar stand without the middle layer, photo provided with courtesy of end user. It also request to reduce height from current 6 cm...
User share issue with this design.
中間層のないシガースタンド、写真はエンドユーザーのご厚意により提供。 高さも現状から6センチ下げるよう要求されている…。
Another angle of view.
Drawing on project.
On top image is to verify the middle slot opening match each other.
The bottom image is the middle layer cut to size 4.5 cm x 5 cm with line drawn in preparation to punch hole with pickling iron.
This is to help to align pickling iron hole when attached to X piece.
As this leather is tough and heavy material (buffalo hide) which poses challenges to cut them clean , straight and perpendicular.
Even after several attempt to sharpen cutting tools before use. Try other alternative cutting method but still need to improve.
この革は丈夫で重い素材 (バッファロー皮) であるため、きれいに真っ直ぐに垂直にカットするのが困難です。
使用前に刃物を研ぐことを何度か試みた後でも。 他の代替切断方法を試してみますが、まだ改善の必要があります。
作業を簡単にするために、白い鉛筆を使用して、チクチクする鉄のパンチマークをマークしました。 穴跡は時間が経つと目立ちにくくなります。
As shown the line are mark on the inner side, due to the outer side is not even and difficulty to punch hole with prickling iron.
Tips:- at the bottom right is a tin of wax mixture to dip the prickling iron tips before punching hole.
This is help ease removal of the prickling iron tools from project.
ヒント: - 右下には、穴を開ける前にチクチクするアイロンの先端を浸すためのワックス混合物の缶があります。
In this case, a gap between edge of X cross and middle layer edge is about 7 mm.
プロジェクトをステッチする場合は、ステッチ ポニーを使用します。
Use a sharp pointed awl as dye applicator.
End of document 👴 文書の終わり
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