Tote Bag # 12 (Canvas tote bag)

 Tote Bag # 12 (Canvas tote bag)

This project is base on canvas material tote bag and handle is leather or mixture of other material.

The purpose for this tote bag was to help carry egg holder box container ( ten egg quantity), as the original recyclable tote bag is very suited for marketing use. 

But thru time the wear and tear on original recyclable tote bag is showing sign of breaking up, so the idea to make a canvas material as tote bag which is more durable.

As the egg crate holder box container was about height 7 cm x width 25 cm and depth 11 cm.

To protect the egg we use this plastic holder box container which can hold 10 egg.

This type of recycle able container carton box is useful to store the egg during marketing.

Hence decide to fabricate a more durable tote bag material such as canvas.

This is to display the size of this recyclable tote bag suited for carry egg holder container.
It internal size match this design egg holder container box.

However this tote bag material is meant to discard when it is worn off.

Have notice sign of wear and tear on handle strap and some part side seam. 
Hence decide to proceed to make new tote bag for carrying egg.

The base layer use a recycle jean material, because it is insufficient width hence need two piece.

Tips:- refer to this url for how to sew canvas materials please check this out. As it give some basic tips when work with canvas material.


Place flat and attached both side layer and sew to main layer.

Tips:- when use this canvas materials as tote bag, have be aware it properties ,texture , thickness can pose challenges for this first time user.
The materials is thick and have to use correct thread, sewing needle size, pressure foot setting and etc.
When handling this canvas it tend to move around when sewing two layers.
The sewing speed need to adjust according to thickness, especially the seam or joint section

When spread out you notice both side are sew in the opposite side.

Tips. when sewing this canvas material try not to pull during sewing. Use slowest speed where possible.
Encounter problem if pull it will stretch and uneven seam will result.

Since these material are thick it not recommend to use pin but try clip or paper clip to hold it in position during sewing.

This is how the tote bag handle are make, cut a leather strap 3 cm by 60 cm.

Fold both edge of 3 cm to centre and punch hole to stitch.


Challenges with this design is the width and depth is oversize for this particular egg storage box hence it can move around inside. Not so good idea as egg is fragile even with the plastic holder container.

Secondly the leather strap handle is too stiff and slightly too heavy due to it length, this make it no so user friendlier.

The challenges to attached a leather strap handle on a canvas material.

It pose how to hold the handle in position and required location.

1. The clip can hold the leather strap in position, however it best to mark it intend location and position first. 

From time to time to verify it did not "dis locate or run away" when you are doing stitching.

As you will have notice as you do stitching process you need to flip the work. Tried not to use any glue in this case as the material interface.

One work around is to temporary hold both part together with a few stitch of normal sewing thread. Once the stitches are done it can be remove.

2. Need to have awl to create stitch hole on canvas layer to match the handle pad stitch spacing. No short cut to this process hence it will take time to pre punch hole from handle to canvas layer. So is the stitching hole need to align and match the pre punch hole on leather layer.

Update 4th Oct 2021.

This first version of canvas bag need to re-looks the material use for handle, the current leather is too stiff when compared to the canvas bag.

 It looks like a better way is use softer material or use a D ring to allow the handle to "drop off" when not in use.

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Second design of tote bag is to over challenge on first version.

1. The leather strap handle is too stiff and make it difficult for bag stand up properly. As have tendency drag the bag edge.

2. The internal size is too big hence the egg storage box move around and not recommend for carrying egg tote bag.

Try use this author design for box boxed bottom bag

Basic Boxed Bottom Bag – Part 1 June 12, 2018 

Thank you for pointing this out to me. The correct answer is 41″ but I used the wrong variables and the wrong formula. I will fix it now. I do test my patterns but I missed this one.

Design and approx measurement for handle pad.

Cut a leather strap of 3 cm width and 18 cm length. Have a landing space from both end of approx 5 cm.

5 cm flat space, 8 cm curve and folded mid section, 5 cm flat space.

Cut handle pad leather 3 cm by 18 cm.

Use glue to hold the mid section and use clip to hold and let glue to set before punch hole. 

Tips :- it is important to let the glue set and harden so when punch hole it is more align a straight line.
If not you will encounter both side the hole are not align as straight line.

It work best to grip the punch tool and leather surface are align and perpendicular to each other.

If not follow one side of the hole will move away from center line.

Technique to punch hole for small folded part is challenging.

1. First pre-mark punch hole on drawn line. This is one way to check spacing for punch hole and make easier for this situation. It is one way to check and verify the alignment for punch hole are correct.

2. Use finger last finger to stable the leather work surface and help guide punch position. This is one way to overcome small surface from moving when stroke hammer.

3. Another way is use a small wooden block to hold the small surface in place when strike the punch.

To give support and minimize movement on this design handle pad. To add another layer on the pad. This help make it easier to stitch the handle pad to tote bag.

Note the white thread is to temporary hold the handle pad to the canvas layer in correct position. It also help to allow help to do stitching easier, after using awl pointed part to create matching stitch hole to a proper alignment.

Cut an 1 inch width web strap and length about 70 cm and fold each end of about 10 cm.

Wrap the folded end on to the handle pad loop.

Tips :- the folded end are glue and stitch to give it a better support and strength.

Do take note when use punch on web strap there will be whisker rising out, use a lighter to burn and remove it. Be careful to adjust the lighter flame to small to minimize damage to web strap.

Final product of tote bag

It can carry a thermal cooker of 2.5 litre size and approx dimension of base 21 cm and height of 24 cm.

Note, the handle is design it can move around with ease.

Overall view of tote bag and comparison to egg holder container box.

It a bit tight fit for egg holder container box. It can carry maximum quantity of 3 egg holder box.

This is end of the tote bag project. If you have any questions or need more explanation or it is confusing please email. Thanks.

Update 15th August 2022.

This tote bag was given to relative and she modify to suit her needs .She add a small magnet to the top edge of bag.

Attach magnet to both side.

Another view 

                                                  👶  End of document 👴

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