Simple non leather repair #25 (recycle bag handle broken)

                   Simple non leather repair #25  (recycle bag handle broken)

This is a very simple non leather craft repair, a friend send a broken strap handle for their recycle bag.

Note this recycle bag use a more hardy plastic material. But the original thread is sow one time only.

It was simple and straight forward repair, but saw the recycle bag thread was worn off due to wear and tear.

Hence decide to resew additional thread to the seam, if just repair the strap handle it might return for other thread being broken.

Took the approach to sew additional thread to give support to seam.

Upgrade the handle by adding a leather layer to give more comfort to user hand. On top of that one minor step to re heat the nylon handle strap end with lighter.

Broken strap handle due to thread give way. Other end of the handle is about to break off.

The seam thread at top are broken too.

The other part of handle with thread broken partially.

Both end of strap with the nylon frail , re heat with lighter solve the issue.

re sew along the top seam before re attached handle.

Notice if this not done the bag seam will give way.

Use normal thread for this case.

Fold strap handle in preparation to add an outer leather to give comfort to user hand.

Prepare leather strap to cover nylon strap handle.

Tips:-  To minimize marking transfer from base during punching hole, insert cardboard underneath leather.

Tips:- when use non wax thread for stitching purpose need to be aware it can get twisted easily. This is especially true if it is a very long thread and non wax.

Will recommend to pull the thread loop with light tension, to minimize thread twisting and created "knot".

Pull thread slowly when stitching as the thread can be twisted less.

Another way to tension long thread during stitching.

Update 16th Oct 2020.

This is one way to minimize the thread twisting when pull thread during stitching.
You will notice use two thread instead of single thread.

Some  how the thread of this type have higher probability of getting entangle during stitching, not why it happen.
This thread is recommend for repair shoe, it is non wax type.  

When stitching handle the overall bag might need to adjust or squeeze or crumple to fit into sewing machine space.

Finish repair project... 

                                               End of document  👴  👴


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