Leather repair executive bag ( Bag Handle )

 Leather repair executive bag ( Bag Handle )

This executive bag repair require other attention beside it worn off corners.

Please refer to a repair post which is related to this executive bag. Title of post is ( Leather repair executive bag - bottom corner ).

However this repair project is to concentrate on executive bag handle worn off . Which is broken into a few repair as they are inter related.

F: LimDATA/ leatherProjectJune2019/ ThamSHBag

As this repair for a broken handle system ( Handle support and D link, strap support and hand wrap). 

There are a few broken parts need to fix :- 

1. To remove the defective Handle system, it need to remove certain part of the bag first before can gain access thru flap rear (bag cover flap) .

2. Only when the rear flap is open up, next step of repair can proceed.

3. First all four brass rivet need to be remove. The handle support will be free to remove D link, strap support handle, and hand wrap.

Rear flap with top cloth layer remove, it have an aluminium bar where four rivet was used to attached handle support pad where it a "D ring" wrapped around.
Before the black cloth was remove there is two "ear" need remove thread near to bag edge. 

Note:- the top black cloth held in place by the two "ear" leather and stitches at the edge are worn off and broken thread.

Underneath the black cloth is a thin white cloth act as interface to reduce friction between aluminium bar and some hard card board

Once the rear flap is open up the underneath parts to hold the handle system is more accessible and repair can proceed.

== == == == Update 19th Oct 2020

After remove top cover on flap there is an aluminium bar was noted.
This bar is to support the external handle.

Hence need to remove all brass rivet before proceed to replace all defective leather.

Note:- extra care is required as there leather and soft leather parts is very close to the area.

Share some tools used for remove top cover inside the flap.

Need extra care required to minimize damage as the leather is very soft and some parts is slight damage thru wear and tear.

Use drill bit to remove all brass rivet.

For this it best to use pilot drill to create small hole as the rivet head are smooth and convex in shape.

This make it challenging to remove them without damage other area.

Tips. another best practice is to file the brass dome shape flat by using a needle file. Then make pilot drill hole for correct drill bit to remove rivet easier. 

To remove brass rivet it be good to drill the other end of rivet with drill.
Tools to separate the rivet from aluminium bar.

Do not discard old rivet, as it it is important to determine the new rivet length.

This is how the old rivet head is drilled to make it easier to remove them
Use a flat screw driver to pry the aluminium bar to separate the rivet
This way to remove rivet with minimize damage to leather part and reduce damage to aluminium bar

Drawing on the "handle support", this measurement help to cut the required leather part.

Take into consideration the number of stitch hole to punch and the spacing between hole.

Name of parts in this repair for handle.

To measure new rivet length to cut

Remove damage of "strap to support hand warp" leather. In preparation to cut new parts for repair.

Use thickness gage to make measurement on old "strap to support hand warp". This one way to learn how the original part are assemble.

Damage handle to replace

    Use sewing machine to stitch certain parts ("strap to support hand warp" ).

This is how the "strap to support hand warp" is slowly rebuilt for repair.

This part need numerous parts of leather to be folded for repair.

This how hand wrap handle, follow the original part to copy.

Wrap with strap to get the required shape before start stitching work
This how the "strap to support hand warp" is stitch up after hole are punch.

To punch hole on leather part also require tools and skill to minimize other area.

This is how the final hand wrap are stitch.

Final repair done

       = = = = =  End of document 👴  = = = = = = 

Leather repair executive bag ( bottom corner ) - - レザーリペアエグゼクティブバッグ(底角)

 Repair leather executive bag ( bottom corner )

This leather bag repair is very challenging as it have different parts of the bag need attention.

Due to it usage the wear and tear is normal after over 15 years of usage.

This project is to concentrate on executive bag bottom with opening at corner of bag. 

There two parts to perform:- 

1) Broken thread between joint

2) Worn off leather at corner (expose inner part is visible). There are four corners on each side, total eight corner to repair.


実行する部分は 2 つあります:-

1) ジョイント間のねじ山が切れた

2) 角の革が剥がれています(内側が露出しています)。 修理するコーナーは各辺に 4 つあり、合計 8 つあります。

LimDATA/ LeatherProjectJune2019 /THAMSHBag

Overall view of the executive bag , bottom section.
The wear and tear have resulted on surface leather expose inner parts. 
As the high contact point is evident where the top layer disappear and exposed inner part is visible.

Closer view of bag to shows wear and tear .
There two parts to perform:-  
1) Broken thread between joint 
2) Worn off leather at corner (expose inner part is visible for all eight corner).

実行する部分は 2 つあります:-
1) ジョイント間のねじ山が切れた
2) 角の革が剥げている(8 角全て内側が露出している)。

For this repair case where the thread is broken or missing, fixing is straight forward.
Simple stitching to close the broken thread resulted in gap to get the repair resolved.


Use awl to check on hole spacing and confirm how to re stitch wear and tear corner area.

Tips:- in this repair the worn off layer remain intact so to make repair easier and repair selected area.
If remove part of the worn off layer it will involve alot of work. Reason being the lining is wrapped around the whole bag edge.


ヒント: - この修復では、摩耗した層はそのまま残るため、修復が容易になり、選択した領域を修復できます。
摩耗した層の一部を除去すると、多大な作業が必要になります。 その理由は、裏地がバッグの端全体に巻き付けられているためです。

An other view of awl pin to verify stitch point.

Prepare marking to measure the hole distance.

Tools for this repair project.
1. Lighter
2. needle set
3.thread clipper
4. head light.
5. magnifying glass
6. awl #3.

The tools required might vary as the repair progress.

1. ライター
2. 針セット
5. 虫眼鏡
6.千枚通し #3。


Verify the strip length to cut for repair.

The strip length is determine or verify for all four corner . This way the warp around are consistent length.


ストリップの長さは、4 隅すべてについて決定または検証されます。 こうすることで、縦糸の長さが一定になります。

Warp a leather strip to confirm it length and wrap around requirement.
A line is drawn to match the corner edge for stitching guide.

Use a divider to verify the stitch gap and measure with ruler.


Use a ruler to mark point ,gap distance and punch.
Line drawn base on measurement.


Punch hole with awl, as did not have punch with 5 mm gap spacing.

5 mm のギャップ間隔のパンチがなかったので、千枚通しで穴をあけます。
Punch hole on both side, to ensure consistent distance for both side to stitch.

Tips:- found it better to punch hole on one side as during process of stitching the needle hole might not match on both side.


ヒント: - ステッチの過程で針穴が両側で一致しない可能性があるため、片側に穴を開ける方が良いことがわかりました。

Estimate thread length for stitching use , for this found it need about 5.5 times the thread length is needed.
It recommend to factor in the thickness of the stitch required.

ステッチに使用する糸の長さを見積もると、必要な糸の長さの約 5.5 倍が必要であることがわかりました。

Use clips to hold the strip while stitching the corner.
Notice if the corner are clipped on the leather will follow the corner shape.


At time use an awl tips to guide the needle follow thru.


This is one way to guide the needle path with help of awl. At time the path and direction is difficult for thread to pass thru.
Try use this method to do stitching, as the edge is too thick for smooth stitching.

これは、千枚通しを使って針の通り道をガイドする 1 つの方法です。 時々、糸が通りにくい経路と方向があります。

How to terminate the thread, is to back stitch and cut thread.


Estimate thread length for stitching use , for this found it need about 5.5 times the thread length is needed.
It recommend to factor in the thickness of the stitch required.

ステッチに使用する糸の長さを見積もると、必要な糸の長さの約 5.5 倍が必要であることがわかりました。

Comparing thickness between each bottom edge.


Each corner have slight difference in width. this pose challenge for strip cut to various .
Hence cut strip.

各コーナーの幅は若干異なります。 このポーズはさまざまなストリップカットに挑戦します。



                                        End of document 👴

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