Leather Project # 9 (Pen Holder)

Leather Project # 9 (Pen Holder) 

Saw this product from a friend's optic shop, hence ask him for permission to take photo on this product to be use for leather project.

Update on 15th November 2019

This pen holder was on display at one of the Optician shop.
Ask for permission from the owner before check and observe how it is done and what technique we can learn from this product.


 = = = = = = =  End of update  = = = = = = = = = =

 It looks useful for normal day use.

However the first step was to create a paper base template and do some drawing on project.

Overall view of drawing, with basic dimension . Use a card board to try out this template for project first

After try use paper trail version once, it ok then use leather materials. This way it save cost and can make change as goes along.

Part of overall view of drawing

Part of overall view of drawing

Rear view

Side view

Front view with pen inside.

                                     End of Document  👴👷👶

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