Leather repair project (Friend's Leather Brief Case Bag) UPDATING #1 in progress

   This is request from a friend box bag leather brief case.
He purchase this box bag brief case while working in India about over twenty year ago. Due to extensive use ,wear and tear take it toll to this bag where one flap was torn apart.

Initial view of the bag.
Update on 19th May 2019

Use stitching awl to remove old thread

The thread is weaken and need to remove

How to insert backing paper to minimize spray paint getting on leather surface

Use old newspaper to cover as much as possible

Remove old stitching thread with sharp awl

Check best way to remove the latch device
Take measurement on place to repair work

French punch is 3.48cm

After comparing with my exiting punch tool none fit the punch hole spacing.
Hence need to buy a new tool or manually punch?
* some stitch use the same punch hole spacing.

First step is to check the status and record as BEFORE repair (it also allow me to take extensive measurement on bag for both internal and external measurement.

The first step is to record and verify the original status on the metal bar frame for this bag.
Noted the metal was badly corroded and rusty.
a) 1st step to remove the rust from metal bar.
b) Apply oil base to minimise rust to reappear.
Proper sand paper type is apply and remove what ever rust point and spot.
c) Quickly apply WD#40 oil to surface to reduce rust reappearing
d) Finally apply a coat of paint. (take extra precaution when use spray can by ensure plastic sheet and newspaper are use generously to prevent unwanted paint and allow sufficient time for paint coat to dry before go to next step.

Examine the leather defect and decide next step forward.

**Note:- make one mistake to replace the whole and continuous leather layer (approx 100 cm of leather and width of about 18 cm) . However owner wanted a quick fix which more on short term repair. However caution owner this repair does not effectively cure about a quick repair. Not recommend to carry too many items due to this short fix.
Take note there are two rivet which is about 8mm size and double dome shape type.
Goes to purchase the correct size and manual tool for rivet replacement.

Top view

Side view

This side pouch with button clip notice carefully the leather is torn next to button. But owner says not important and leave as it is.

Learn one important aspect on this repair work is the technique and method use to create this pouch looks simple.
However on close observation it use a clever method, hence did a close up measurement too

Second to replace broken leather parts

Close up look on the damage parts. Look carefully how it was stitch together.

         End of document  👲

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