Leather Kid Slipper #1

          Kids leather slipper
      Trying new skill and project, a basic kid slipper.

      This new project was in the mind for quite sometime.

Reading from YouTube and Pinterest for more inform, idea, tips and learning some new skill for making a basic kid slipper along the way.

Step to start project

Finally it done.

But notice there is alot to learn after realizing there are some mistake in term of sequence and lack foresight, and still in learning stage/phase. Sometime we learn faster after see the shortcoming and than try to improve on the next project.
1) Uneven stitching work between insole and leather.
2) The in sole is the last part to gule
3) The skill to trim the multiple layer need practice
4) Add lining for the slipper edge.

Update on 12th Nov 2018.

Check on slipper status.. good so far.

End of document.

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