Luggage Tag project #2

How to make luggage tag strap O ring

Today experimenting on various way to stitch O ring or loop pattern for luggage tag strap.

Sharing best practice for making O ring or loop and try some pattern when stitching.

Experimenting with different pattern on stitching. 👈

Make loop for strap .

Another strap design by using veg tan leather.

End of document...

Luggage Tag project #1

Fabricate strap for luggage tag project.

You can try search feature on blog or quick reference base on these past post.
*refer to  Overall view on project post dated 13th Aug 2018
*refer to Past Project post dated 29th July 2018
*refer to Luggage Tag Project post dated 18th Apr 2018 .

Have a simple tips to share when try to cut long narrow leather materials for luggage tag strap.

Add a thin strip of double sided
tape on cutting mat to help keep
leather in place.

 This one way it minimize the soft leather from moving around during cutting process. It is especially challenging for longer material. This more challenging if the leather material is soft or not so rigid.
It easy to remove the double sided tape after use.

Punch oblong hole for belt buckle.
* Tips to lightly tap the oblong punch mark to confirm location before punch. Note the pin mark also assist in check alignment and it center position.
How to align oblong punch to strap, note a small pin mark to help center point aid

Tools and material for riveting

 Add the rivet button after gule two piece together

Prepare for punch hole to center rivet position.

UPDATE on 23rd Sept

Next step is to fabricate the O ring for the strap.

Refer to Luggage Tag project #2 for more details .👀

                          👴End of document👴

Pencil Case project #1

Slight different design for this pencil case project.

*note :- See another old project date 17th June 2017 (trying make small gift)  for more details on pencil case shown below.

A simple gift to make and can be creative and customize to project needs.

It will be better to burnish the middle and front layer edge ( top edge)  before assemble project. As it make it easier work later.

The edge use a brown colour paint marker
to even the colour difference.

One comment, this pencil case is slightly shorter for small ruler (6 inch ruler).

                                   End of document  👴

DVD pouch #2

Today try improvement and slight design difference for a DVD pouch casing.

* Note:- You can refer to previous post (dated 18th July , title of post New project DVD pouch #1)

End of document

Leather Kid Slipper #1

          Kids leather slipper
      Trying new skill and project, a basic kid slipper.

      This new project was in the mind for quite sometime.

Reading from YouTube and Pinterest for more inform, idea, tips and learning some new skill for making a basic kid slipper along the way.

Step to start project

Finally it done.

But notice there is alot to learn after realizing there are some mistake in term of sequence and lack foresight, and still in learning stage/phase. Sometime we learn faster after see the shortcoming and than try to improve on the next project.
1) Uneven stitching work between insole and leather.
2) The in sole is the last part to gule
3) The skill to trim the multiple layer need practice
4) Add lining for the slipper edge.

Update on 12th Nov 2018.

Check on slipper status.. good so far.

End of document.

Badge Tag post #2

Continue with badge tag or ID tag project.

Sharing some completed project for badge tag or ID tag.

Best practice and tips on project which two different type of leather. A softer leather will produce strange result, where by the softer leather surface will wrinkle or uneven surface. Hence it need care during stitching phase.

 A friend share one commercial badge tag for comparison and try to improve or incorporate feature such as simple and quick design.
The idea is to customize for each individual needs and requirement.
One user prefer just the badge tag with following feature.
1) Sturdy strap leads
2) Have additional pocket for daily credit card or loyalty card, access card.
3) Some like a more broader base badge tag
4) Other like to incorporate link to rectardable layward hook up.
5) Other like a simple key ring termination.

Side by side comparison and get estimate dimension for badge tag.

Comparison and take note to add a rear pocket for holding credit card or access card.

Badge Tag Post #1

Badge tag project

Update 5th Sept 2018 to compare old and new design badge tag.

 Front view of badge tag. On the left is the new badge tag, on the right is an old badge tag.

Rear view of the badge tag.
You will notice the new badge tag rear layer is a firmer leather to support the front layer.

This is some thing simple and new to try out project, badge tag for ID card size of 8.5 cm and 5.5 cm.

 Use an ID card , or old credit card size template to prepare for leather material.
Cut project leather for width approximately 7.5 cm.

Cut the height of leather of approximately 11.5cm.

Cut two leather of same dimension, 7.5 cm x 11.5 cm.

Measure to cut a rectangular hole base on the template ID card size, slightly smaller approx 5mm from edge of template.

The inner line marking is where to cut off.

 The backing layer need to cut a slit hole to
accommodate for inserting the crd
 Gule both layer together
 Rear view of project
 Height of cut off is approximately 7.5 cm

= = = =

Use template to mark punch mark, the top side and the bottom edge marking.

Tips:- to help in punching hole using diamond punch. Note it better to draw line to help in alignment. Note however discover the punch line was not straight if view from end

Can see the stitches is not that straight line. Possible due to improper handling of leather and did not counter check the punch line.

= = = = =  next project piece use a firmer back layer.

 The front layer is softer leather, while the rear layer is thicker and firmer leather
 USe template for mark line to cut and punch hole
 Improvement was to punch small round hole are each corner. The cut off center piece will be better corner as the corner edge is cleaner.
 Verify the cut off line.
 Cutting with sharp knife is very important. After cutting is done, better to burnishing to edge is perform.
First start cutting from this corner and stop at mid point
Start cut from the other corner and meet at mid point.

Tips :- when cutting the line it best to start from one corner and cut from the other and meet at center.

 Punch hole for the rear layer, in preparation for
cutting a small slot line.
 The width of the slot is approximately 5.5 cm,
 to confirm place a template card.
The purpose of the small hole to get cleaner end.
 Apply burnishing chemical to ensure smoother edge for the slot

= = = = = Tips on cutting center piece

= = = = = Tips on burnshing edge of project

= = = = = Tips on sanding the edge of project

End of document

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...