Repair bag handle

 One bag handle which flaking surface need to replace.

Issue is the materials used is flaking on both handle of bag. Not sure why this happen in this case.

Hence need to replace with a goat leather of about 1 mm thickness

Select leather thickness of about 1 mm.

Close up view on both handle with surface flaking off.

same go to the loop catch strap or handle holder

Pre punch the handle strap and pad matching in punch holes

Choose two point at bottom and one point at top to align the handle pad and handle strap.

Check position and verify both match in position before start stitching

Start from the point where the handle fold over meet. Stitch along down ward and return to the other side handle .

Terminate the thread once it complete the stitching.

Verify punch hole position with a awl before stitching with needle and thread.

It is important to be consistent for the needle and thread then the stitching line looks neat and the thread pattern is looks better.

Observe the thread pattern is consistent, note it stitch move from top to bottom and move upward to other side of handle.

Use a minimum of three point to hold handle pad in position.

Project for handle repair is done.

                                                  End of document 😎


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