Non leather project #13 (Battery holder, led dimmer)

 Non leather project #13 (Battery holder, led dimmer)

This project is to fabricate a battery (12 Volt) holder and mount a led dimmer control module with foot on/off switch.

Main objective was to make a simple belt to strap a portable 12 volt battery on a board.

Cut a small board to be use as base for battery holder.

Two small strip of leather is added, to provide a spacing lift-up to support battery base cover.

Two webbing straps is to add as fix point for the elastic strap to provide support with button.

Place a battery module to check position to add webbing strap, as position and webbing length is important to secure a heavy battery module.

Base on this battery size and length the webbing strap is decided . The webbing end should be able to wrap the battery body.
Once the position is confirm on  webbing strap. Use a stapler gun machine attach webbing strap to board

Initial stapler to set and hold it in position, apply glue in between base a webbing strap.

Use glue to hold a small leather strap, it is to lay over on top the webbing strap.
This is give a better support and act a stress relief to support battery module.

Apply glue to both the small leather strip and board.
Use a lighter to heat the edge of both cut webbing strap and elastic strap.
This is one method to minimize the cut edge from fraying.

Important to ensure the lighter flame is not too high, a smaller flame is easier to control amount of heat to melt the plastic material. Another way to control heat to material is to move your lighter try not stay long at one position. 
Punch hole on webbing strap and place VT2 button.

Use correct punch hole size for VT2 button.
This is to show both elastic strap.

Left item is the bottom view.

Right item is the top view, note the white dot mark to punch hole for VT2 button.
See the spacing between the webbing strap (VT2 button) and elastic strap dot marking.

This how the webbing strap and elastic strap are mounted.
Do take note the elastic strap have added small leather to better support when stapler it to base.

This is to display how the battery is mounted. The leather flap is to make it easier to button up and un button.

Mount a dimmer module next to battery.

Done project.

                                                  👷 end of document  👴1

Non Leather repair #26 (Plastic bag Sealer 20 cm) -ノンレザーリペア #26(ポリ袋シーラー20cm)

 Non Leather repair #26 (Plastic bag Sealer 20 cm)

ノンレザーリペア #26(ポリ袋シーラー20cm)

Receive a defective (broken heater element) plastic bag sealer 20 cm for repair. 欠陥のある(ヒーターエレメントが破損した)ポリ袋シーラー 20 cm を修理のために受け取ります。

Note the original heater element was one end use screw to tighten while the other end it was wrap around to metal post. The metal post was attached with soldering for connection to element.

The new heater element part was with both end with ring lug terminated hence it require a different way to repair this plastic sealer.

* Note :- this heater failure could be due the timer setting was set too high. Other possible cause or factor could be the thermal insulator surface are dirty. Hence result in user have to turn the timer setting higher. Notice the asbestos insulator block have black mark from the heater element.

Hence user need to be extra careful and ensure thermal surface are clean after use.

This is the label attached to plastic sealer specification 220 Volt to 240 Volt AC.

Brand name is Yong Teli. (country of origin China)

Overall view of plastic sealer, with some of the heater being removed.

New heater element part have both end terminated with ring lug. This pose a slight challenge in this repair as the original heater with one end was soldered to metal post.
The metal terminal post need to drill a small hole to allow the ring lug to be mounted to this metal post.

Top is asbestos block (pink colour) - it is to support the heater element and ensure even surface for heater to spread heat evenly.

Middle is new heater element - it is heat up evenly along it length.

Bottom is the thermal insulator sheet - it is to prevent plastic material stick to heater and allow even heat distribution.

Inside view with bottom cover removed.

On the left is the timer circuit, next on the right is the transformer 

Inside view with bottom cover removed.

On the right side is the micro switch and transformer and metal post (a white wire connection, near to spring)

This is to show the heater element ring lug need to connect to metal post.

The "L" metal post have solder material, it first to remove this excess solder. Next drill a 3 mm hole for connecting the element ring lug with screw and nut with ring spring.

A close up view of the "L" metal post.
The two holes on "L" shape metal post is to mount it on plastic sealer. A new 3 mm hole was drilled to "L" metal post so as to accept a 3 mm screw and nut with spring washer. 「L」メタルポストの拡大図。
「L」字型の金属ポストの 2 つの穴は、プラスチック シーラーに取り付けるためのものです。 スプリングワッシャー付きの 3 mm ネジとナットを受け入れるために、「L」金属ポストに新しい 3 mm の穴を開けました。

Note:-  It is real challenge now the metal "L" shape post have one end of the heater ring lug attached. Have to take extra care when remount the heater element as the space quite restricted and to mount screw on the mounting point. 注:- 金属製の「L」字型ポストにヒーター リング ラグの一端が取り付けられているのは、非常に困難です。 スペースが非常に限られているため、ヒーターエレメントを再取り付けするときや、取り付けポイントにネジを取り付けるときは特に注意する必要があります。

Use a multimeter to confirm heater element before assembly. 組み立て前にマルチメーターを使用してヒーターエレメントを確認してください。

Close up view of the connection for the "L" shape metal post to heater element ring lug. 「L」字型金属ポストとヒーター エレメント リング ラグの接続の拡大図。

Before repair the metal post need to remove excess solder from surface. Drill a 3 mm hole and use nut and screw with spring washer to make connection to metal post with element. 修理する前に、金属ポストの表面から余分なはんだを除去する必要があります。 ドリルで 3 mm の穴を開け、スプリングワッシャー付きのナットとネジを使用して、エレメント付き金属ポストに接続します。

Final inspection after install new element is verify the heater is working. Set the timer to the minimum setting, Press the top movable bar and can hear the micro-switch clicking sound. Can feel slight heat and feel warm to touch with finger on thermal insulating surface. 新しいエレメントを取り付けた後の最終検査では、ヒーターが動作していることを確認します。 タイマーを最小設定に設定し、上部の可動バーを押すと、マイクロスイッチのカチッという音が聞こえます。 断熱面に指で触れるとわずかに熱を感じ、温かく感じます。

Try out with plastic bag and it can seal as per normal usage. ビニール袋で試してみると、通常の使用法どおりに密封できます。

This conclude repair work is done. これにて修理作業は終了となります。

* note:- update on 29th Nov 2020 to correct typo error only. * 注: - タイプミスのみを修正するために 2020 年 11 月 29 日に更新されました。

== == == == ========================

* Note: I am trying use "Google Translate" application from English to Japanese, sorry if this translation is not suitable please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: 英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションを使用しようとしています。この翻訳が適切でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                             👶  End of document  👴

Inform on Leather and Tips #2

 Inform on Leather and Tips #2

During Pandemic time frame, I have been reading on leather craft blog , or any related topic and surf web site, view training video from You Tube of related leather craft and other related topic of interest.

Just to share some interesting points and useful inform (it depend on each individual background experience and skill). Since I am not an expert on leather craft and still in the learning phase as moving forward.

Notice leather craft is very wide scope and require a wide range of skill set for certain project. 

Some of the video which are from You Tube shows on each project like tote bag or leather belt as example.

 For each type of tote bag design it require different tools, method to use , specific technique required, skill set to create a tote bag project. 

Hence there are a number of way to create a tote bag. Share some of tote bag design from You Tube which have certain interesting way in fabricate tote bag on so many type to suit each user needs.

Update on 1st April 2022

Guide to the Leather Working Tools You Need: Beginner & Pro

Leatherworking is an exciting craft to get into. You might be curious what tools you’ll need for different projects or even styles of leather craft. Let’s take a look into all of the leather working tools.

The leather working tools you’ll need, when starting leather craft as a beginner or even with experience can include awls, bevelers, burnishers, cutters, gouges, glues, groovers, mauls, pricking irons, punches, skivers, stamps, sewing items, and a cutting mat. Specifics will depend on the project.

The Incredible History of Leather

Leather is an incredible material that has been used throughout history for clothing and tools. The early processes used to make leather, and craft with it, remain very similar to some of those still used today. The history of leather and leather craft has very close ties to people all around the world.

Punching Leather: Tools and Tips from a Crafter

Leathercrafters may need various tools during their crafting process. I learned that some punching leather tools are essential and can’t be replaced easily while some others can have substitute tools or methods.

Punching leather is a core skill in leathercraft and is done to produce holes, cut edges, cut patterns, and set hardware. Punch tools come in various shapes and sizes based on need and are often struck with a hammer or mallet on a thick, protected surface. Most projects will use leather punching.

Let’s have a look at the different types of leather punching and which tools to use during the process.

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Update on 12th Nov 2020.

Making A Leather Tote Bag / With Top Zip Closure

•24 Aug 2019 Taeyarh Leather  (29:43 minutes)

It is a Tote Bag or Shopper Bag that I have wanted to make since the old days. After thinking about how to make it, I decided to zip it up. I didn't want to see anything or spill anything. So I chose a Zipper Bag instead of a Magnetic Bag.

Size : mm

length :         350

Height : 270

Width : 80

Drop : 530

Leather : Embossed Leather 1.5T , Lining : Herringbone style Fabric


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++ Note work in progress ++ as I am still learning from other and gather as much inform.. stay tune. 

Thank you.

Update on 11th Nov 2020

1) Sewing Machine Problems: The Most Common Issues. By Jack Creeks (28 Feb 2017)

2) Sewing machine maintenance Tension. By Man sewing (6 Jun 2016)

3) Tips For Sewing Over Multiple Layers Of Fabric Flawlessy - 

by Christopher Nejman (11 May 2020 )

4) Sewing Machine Thread Tension Adjustment - 

by Sherya Fashion (31 Mar 2020)

5)Sewing Machine Tension Issues SOLVED. By EverythingEboni

Update on 07th Dec 2020

= = = = = = = = = leather belt = = = = = = = =

Making a Simple Leather Belt

 •1 Sept 2013                  by  Ian Atkinson  (52:23 minutes)

Buy my patterns and leather goods here:

► For more information see: 

This video has been replaced by a newer version which is build along number 9 available from my shop in the link above. The new video includes a 4 hour tutorial video as well as an accompanying PDF pack and includes much more detail and techniques than shown here.

In this video I am making a simple leather belt, there won't be any tooling or other fancy things it's just the basics to get you started! Sometimes people ask about dog collars, remember that's the same thing only shorter and with a D ring riveted onto the back for the lead.

 If you'd like some strap end templates try Black River Laser, they have lots of different ones:


 Here is Nigel's video about sewing in belt keepers (no sense in me showing you the same thing!):



 00:00 Intro

03:27 Measuring out a Belt

06:28 Determining the Holes

07:43 Strap Cutting

12.58 Marking and Skiving the Buckle End

19:59 Applying Finishes

22:13 Marking the Tongue

24:31 Bevelling

28:52 Burnishing

35:31 Edge Paints

37:38 Buckle Fitting

41:38 Fitting the Keeper

50:40 Punching the Holes

** note at  index 09:24 this tutorial is very interesting as he explain clearly, example on how to use a belt strap cutter tools. He also teach a good technique to cut leather belt using this basic tools.

 **note at  index 08:20 .He also point out before cutting any leather piece is check both side of leather quality to get good belt project.

** note at  index 14:04 this is where he share tips to select the appropriate leather end for buckle side and for the pointed end.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = leather belt = = = = = = = =

Making an English Oak Bark Leather Belt 4K

•22 Jan 2017 by  Ian Atkinson (13:54 minutes)

► Buy my patterns and leather goods here:

► For more information see: 

Would you like to make this belt yourself? If so please purchase build along number 9 from my shop link above which includes a 4 hour tutorial video as well as an accompanying PDF pack.

In this video I am making a simple and traditional belt from English oak bark leather. The leather comes from Britain's last remaining oak bark tannery which is J&FJ Baker in Colyton, Devon (no affiliation).

If you'd like to make your own belts please have a look at my tutorial video:


The video was filmed in 4K using an iPhone 7 as a bit of an experiment!

** note at  index 8:25 it show how to stitch belt with stitching pony and other tools to prevent buckle head bending over.

End of document  👴   👴

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...