Leather Project # 9 (Lady Watch Strap)

 Leather Project # 9 (Lady Watch Strap)

Please refer to past post for Non Leather Repair #10 (Watch Strap repair)   Published on                        09/03/2019 07:46. 

It have some background inform as to why to replace it broken watch metal strap with leather strap.

Recap, since it is difficult to source for same metal material to repair by welding pin for this lady watch broken strap . 

Hence user decide to have a new leather wrist watch strap. These are commonly called padded or line strap.

The watch strap uses these basic tools. The leather selected is waxy surface and thickness of 2 mm need to skive to about 1.0 to 1.2 mm.
A most watch strap is very thin due to limited gap or space between watch body and "Lock Bar" pin.
*note:- there other leather craft tools is not shown here.

Some challenges in fabricating small leather craft item are some tools need to improvise or make do we can find locally. A good magnifying glass will help in this project.

Another good to have tool is skiving tool to trim leather to required thickness. There some expert uses razor shaver or skiving knife. All these need practice and skill and correct technique to shave consistent thickness.

Use a thickness Gage to verify thickness of leather material.

Use the original metal strap to make estimate measurement for leather material.

In this case use simple buckle, it internal width is about 1.2 cm and it about match with watch strap size.

Check buckle pin size match with punch hole size.

It is important to punch hole size do not restrict pin movement

This is how the loop band is measured to ensure sung fitting for watch strap

Using another watch to verify both new strap is within the user wrist size.

Overall view to measure new strap length by comparing with exiting watch.

Another way is to make a paper template and have user measurement approximate measurement.

use a #1.0 edge beveler for this project.

Add an interface layer to support the watch spring bar make contact. Hope this will reduce wear and tear.

Tools use to punch buckle pin hole .

One view of finish project
Another view of project
Project done.

Tips :- it is recommend to apply olive oil to keep the leather surface moist and also help to minimize our body sweat due to local environment.

Happy reading this project. If you have any comment or suggestion for improvement please share. Have a nice day.

End of document  👴👴👴

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