Leather project #5 Scissor sheath PART 1 (Friend scissor sheath try out)

Meet a friend and he was previously working for a cloth supplier, he show me on 10 inch scissor made in China with logo of butterfly.

Trade make logo BUTTERFLY and made in CHINA.

Scissor sheath use a thick paper base and wrap with leather strip to hold the "U" shape base.

Scissor insert into sheath

Scissor compare with sheath size

Note this sheath was constructed for the user to decide what other design for improvement was required.
Hence this trail run was to get feedback from user.

How the tips point sheath is being built and prevent the tips from protruding outside

The ring are being wrapped to reduce pressure point to hand of user.

Sheath cover is a trail version fore end user to confirm if is have any comment and improvement base on his experience and individual needs.
He will try to get the original scissor sheath with special attachment strap to belt.
Let hope he can remember to bring along with him for me to look at it.

Manage to ask end user after hand over his original design and try out his request. Keep a look out in future post for more update.

                   End of Document 👴

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