Key Chain #06 (Key Chain 4 and 6 head)

 New design and new material used for key chain 1) 4 heads type and 2) 6 heads type.

The inside pocket for card at both right and left side,  layer at center also allow to hold one card.
However the right side is limited space as the button block part of the path.

Five different design key chain for both 4 head and 6 head

TOP photo:- The pocket on the right have the leather with original pattern edge.

BOTTOM photo: the pocket on the RIGHT side is a straight edge while the LEFT side is with curve edge

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Non Leather Repair #17 (Electric Drill and Sander PM)

             Non Leather repair on electric drill and sander

1) BOSCH electric drill model CSB 550 RE (550 Watt diameter max 15mm) purchase since 1989).
2) BOSCH rotary sander model GEX 125 AC (340 watt 4500-12000 min-1 , diameter 125 mm).

 1) This comes about when the BOSCH electric drill started intermittently stop working and arching at the commuter area. Hence use this opportunity to verify the problem noted.
True enough the electric drill have defect on the carbon brush.

TIPS #1 :- is you observe carefully a good unit carbon in contact with commuter plate, if there are bigger arching light then it best to open to check status on carbon brush length.

TIPS #2 "- it recommend to check carbon brush status base on your usage of drill.

This drill have two issue a) the electric cord have broken wire and b) worn off carbon brush.

Remove wires and pull both wires by hand, the wire is broken before the fastener. repair done

verify carbon brush status

Compare length of carbon brush between old (left side) and new part.

Noted the old carbon brush have metallic part embedded which cause commuter surface with scratch mark.

Very obvious scratch mark, hence need to use sandpaper to smoothed the valley

Found the air filter capacitor at mains input to be leak and defective, removed.

Use a small strip of sandpaper to reduce valley

CEX 125 AC rotary sander, check carbon brush status and clean inside.

After disassemble top cover to sander.

How to remove wire to carbon brush.

Tools for this task.

Carbon brush code #045. Both carbon inspected and still ample length so no action needed.
Just vacuum for dirt an dust.
Check on motor parts looks good so far.

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Cable Organizer #8 (Round organizer general purpose)

A simple gift for friend and colleague on simple design cable organizer.

 Tools and material for this project.
Use the glue can for round shape and my logo chop box

Use VT2 size button.

Finish project.

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Non Leather Repair #16 (Socket LED light lamp repair)

Was ask to repair a simple socket led light, the goose neck was loosen. This simple lamp was use by grand son writing table.

Tool to open electrical plug

Found the nut inside is loose.

Tighten nut and close cover and test it fix and verify light still work.

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Non Leather Repair #15 (water tank closet repair)

  Encounter the water tank of toilet bowl keep dripping and over flow and the flush handle link broken. This is my daughter rented unit and they are away.
Another closet water tank of master bedroom also cannot flash due to broken handle bar to flush mechanism broken.

Common toilet

Common toilet the water tank over flow and cannot flash by handle bar

Found the float is working only the plunger set screw need to adjust to prevent water overflow

Before adjustment to set screw for plunger water dripping and over flow.

Repair for broken handle bar to flushing mechanical done.

Master room toilet

Use cable tie to connect broken link. Adjust the set screw for cut off when water tank is full level

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Inform on Leather & Tips #4 (Leather craft magazine)

Inform on Leather & Tips #4 (Leather craft magazine)

This leather craft magazine was shared by a friend from Luen Wah Leather shop. really appreciate the support and sharing useful information on leather craft.
Not sure if YouTube have some of these information.

These magazine is from Taiwan hence all are in Chinese but the picture is worth a thousand words.

Volume 20 Hand Sewing Leather Craft

 Previous volume number (volume 1 to 8)

Previous volume number (volume 9 to 16)

Previous volume number (volume 17 to 19)

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Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...