Non leather project #11 (Sewing machine casing Part 1)

   Have this Singer sewing machine and it original cover have worn off and decide to fabricate a simple SINGER machine.
The SINGER Tradition is model 2250.

There are three factors for making this new cover with soild base to enable :-
1. To protect and as dust cover for sewing machine.
2.   To make it user friendlier to store led light circuit and the speed control module
3.  Make it portable and easy to keep for storage
4. Add a thread clipper holder.

The real challenge was how to strap the sewing to the wooden base?

          End of Document  

Coin purse #8 (Gift for friend)

        This is a simple coin purse with two pouch. It is simple gift of appreciation.


Update 10th Jan 2021.

More design for coin purse.
Try to design the front layer with bigger space. Total two or three pouch base on each design requirement.

Try out need way to make the front pouch big space.
Take note on the bottom corners cut  to this shape to allow more space.
Punch hole in preparation to stitch the corner part.
This is the way to prepare the front layer for coin purse.

End of document   👴

Leather repair project (Friend's Leather Brief Case Bag) UPDATING #2 in progress

This is another part and continue with repair  - Leather repair project (Friend's Leather Brief Case Bag) UPDATING #1 in progress.
              In this repair was fortunate a friend supply a special gold colour paint. Hence take this opportunity to replace rusty bag latch.

Remove U shape holder

Remove latch key mechanism for cleaning and painting

Apply masking tape to minimise paint accidentally smear on leather surface.

                          👶👲👴             End of document

Leather tools and tips #11 (tool sheath PART 1)

 This is to share how I make tools sheath for protecting the sharp edge.

Sample of some common tools like round hole punch, clipper thread, awl point, punches stitches

Close up view. Notice I use what ever is available to protect the sharp pointed end or sharp edge.

Thread clipper and stitch hole punch

              End of document 👴👲👷👶

WET Form Leather project #4 Scissor sheath

WET Form Leather project #4 Scissor sheath. Use a goat leather  for the top layer and 3 mm veg tan leather as bottom layer.

Tools used for this project

Rear view of the project. The inside is several layer to support the difference in height due to the screw and nut used by scissor.

You will notice the center is stitches to hold the inner layer support material.

Allow the leather to dry and take shape.

To be continue .. please wait.

Update on 19th July 2019.

Stitching and use the half method. This method do not cover the complete stitch but instead Half way stitch, this way the total thread length is more manageable.

           👴👲👶 End of document

Leather Project # 6 (Belt 35mm)

    Trail run making belt of width 35 mm, use a thick leather Alaskan Leather material.

Cut the one end of belt, while the other end is terminate with a buckle.

Use beveler for the edge

Use this stitching pony to smooth both edge with sand paper and apply tag gum.

                                           End of document 👴

Leather Project # 5 (Battery Power Bank) Part Two

 Leather Project # 5 (Battery Power Bank) Part Two 

Update on 11th July 019.

                       Continue part two on Battery Bank carrying case.
After several weeks of using saw some improvement.

Concept at that time to able to carry interface cable, a belt holder that is not moveable

Belt holder to attach battery bank thru use of velcro

                        = = = = = =  Improve version = = = = =  =

Update on 5th July
  In progress of updating...

             = = = = = =  Another battery Bank = = = = =  =

 Another battery bank from,.

use a translucent rubber face for user to get it status just by looking thru and at the same time it cover the expose port connector.

Position for USB connector and power up utton

Make measurement on device height.

              End of document 👴

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...