Chinese brush holder -Special request

    Saw a relative taking Chinese Art painting class and she request for a small brush holder.
This challenge was to determine how many brushes and various length chinese brush to carry.
This will help determine the height for the brush holder.

Punch for stitching thread along edge.

These are the tools used for this project.

The key ring is for user hold the brush holder or can be hook bag..

Additional tools for project

How to do stitching with two paper clip like a stitching pony.

 temporary holde use paper clip and add padding to minimize marks

Check by using brush the the holder is practical,

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Tote Bag # 5 (relative request, medium size)

Tote Bag # 5 (relative request, medium size)      

TOTE bag Medium size, no pocket, on zipper, TOTALLY no add on of any type. OPEN concept for fast and easy to put items and for kind of items to dump into.

NO complex or accessories buy from DAISO's shop for a pair of handle off the shelf.

                Was busy with office work when free, try hand on new simple tote bag after buying new leather from a shop * Seri Kembangan area with relative choosing their leather materials, accessories to their heart desire.

This is a request by relative for a medium size tote bag that is simple and easier to make design.

This bag have some design it edge is to retain the original raw leather edge. This to have it identity that are unique in shape and different from other pattern design.

The handle is purchase readily available from DAISO's shop at IOI Purta Jaya Mall (approx RM 6.00 each pair).

There are a few colour choice to select to match the colour of leather bag.

The handle are insert thru a small insertion hole on bag.

Cut a hard base paper to support the bottom and on top attached a leather sheet to cover the hard paper base.


Study is it possible add a small pocket..later it decided to keep simple without any pocket, or zipper or any accessories.

Update sharing this leathercfrat shop in Seri Kembangan ,name and location.

Mega Leather Shop

50, Jalan SK 3/8, Kampung Baru Seri Kembangan, 43300 Selangor, Malaysia.

This the shop we purchase the leather materials and accessory.

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Non Leather Repair #11 (Water tank leakage)

         Encounter recently where water tank over flow due to maladjusted float and float ball was tilted one sided due tank distorted in shape. This resulted floated is ineffective and malfunction..this possible root cause.

So cut a new non metal washer for better support to tank wall to tighten float mechanism.

Cut a new hard plastic to provide better support for the push rod for the diaphragm.


 Position the new plastic diaphragm at correct position

Short push rod hole is visible and that where the diagram sit.

Re insert push rod

Add new plastic washer for the float mechanism.

Prepare to install float mechanism to water tank

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Cable Organizer #6 (Ear piece)

This is another simple project for leather, cable organizer.

Cable organizer for USB cable or ear phone cable

Use VT5 button size
 Use magnet to button

Add inner lining on center seperate the cable.

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Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...