Tote Bag #4 (relative request)

          ✋ Receive a special request from relative for a simple tote bag and attached sample design.
Of course need to determine the type of design base on user feedback, then ask these questions and clarify the user needs.

1. Determine what size is the user request for specific reason?
2. Next is what functional design for the bag?
3. Any additional feature or accessories is required?
4, Type of leather, thickness , colour , pattern on leather, type of handle and etc.

Credit goes to url link for image -

Credit goes to url link for image -

Work in progress .. please stay tune and be happy and smile.

Update 11th April 2020.

The type and design of bag handle needs to take into consideration beside the above.

Update 18th Sept 2020

Please refer to post Tote Bag # 10 project which is related

                                          👴 End of document  👧

1 comment:

kak fadz said...

Uncle Lim,i want this....

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