Leather Shopping Aid tool #1

                            This project is about shopping aid

            Create a simple tool when goes for shopping with recycle bag or plastic bag. Because it is to use to relief pressure on your hand and finger during long shopping activity when carrying handle which can cause stress and pain and leave red mark.

Rear view on second version of shopping aid
Stitching for inner leather piece as part of backbone to project

Inside view of shopping bag aid

How to use shopping aid
Overall view of shopping aid, it can be use for both recycle bag handle or plastic bag "ear" handle.

Rear view of shopping bag aid

** note:- after try using this shopping aid device, notice the leather material if too soft it might not perform for it intent purpose. However it also depend on each individual needs to use different material type and experiment to gage which material type to use. Happy experiment and have a nice day.

End of document

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