New project DVD pouch #1

First version of DVD pouch

Sharing new project and best practice in leather craft - project DVD casing.

 Attached a hard paper layer for support on the inner side. It also to seal two button post.
Use of paper cutting to measure dimension for the outer layer to ensure it fit it needs.

Prepare for glue surface by remove certain portion of top surface to better adhesion between two surface. 

Prepare surface for pouch stitching

Use pony stitching two leather piece for the pouch layer.

Folding top layer to base and prepare for stitching work.

Sharing stitching method for project

Front view pouch for cable safe keeping

Rear view with two button

========     Emboss pattern for luggage tag   ========

show the type of tools used to create simple pattern. This is a first time try out creating pattern on project

Some simple design pattern
Play around with different tool to create simple pattern design.

It is fun but not so sure the owner downstair might complaint on knocking sound when start making emboss pattern with stamping tool.

 = = = = = =  End of document = = = = = 

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