Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテックスです。

It challenging to sew the outer sole as the rubber is thin, old material need additional care to stitching as the rubber is "weak/ soft". hence need additional care to pull the thread. ゴムが薄いため、アウターソールを縫うのは困難です。古い素材はゴムが「弱く/柔らかい」ため、縫製にさらに注意が必要です。したがって、糸を引っ張る際にはさらに注意が必要です。

The care required make it more interesting and new strategy and method is necessary to improve. より興味深いものにするためには注意が必要であり、改善するには新しい戦略と方法が必要です。

Use tools to insert hook inside to accept thread loop

This is to show how to create stitching thread loop and another thread pass thru.

This  is inside the shoe sole and how it receive thread from outside. 

Use thumb to prevent the loop from run off.

Using  a hook to catch a loop from inside sole 

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* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨


Remote key fob motorbike Harley Davidson - soft tail - リモートキーフォブバイクハーレーダビッドソン - ソフテイル

 Have a friend request to fabricate  a remote key fob, the motorbike is Harley Davidson, soft tail. 友人からリモートキーフォブの製作依頼がありました。バイクはハーレーダビッドソンのソフトテールです。

 The original remote key did not come with a casing for it. オリジナルのリモートキーにはケースが付属していませんでした。

Trace overall shape for remote key, notice the paper template is slightly bigger to take in consideration for thickness of key.  


Insert remote key into second trail measurement, still encounter too big as pointed by pen tip. リモート キーを 2 回目のトレイル測定に挿入すると、ペン先で示されるように、依然として大きすぎる値が表示されます。

Weakness and need further adjustment for improvement. 弱点があり、改善するにはさらなる調整が必要です。

Use paper template transfer from original key shape, this is the first version templates. Sell the idea to test fit as do not have the actual remote key to verify.  オリジナルのキー形状から転写した紙のテンプレートを使用します。これは最初のバージョンのテンプレートです。検証するための実際のリモート キーがないため、フィットをテストするためのアイデアを販売します。 

Work in progress as more details will be make available one it is ready. 

It take time to do and update blogspot. Thank for your support. 

                   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =

* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

Dragon Boat and Bak Chang Festival -June 2024 - ドラゴンボートとバクチャンフェスティバル - 2024年6月

        Every year the  Dragon Boat and Bak Chang Festival -June 2024 . 毎年ドラゴンボートとバクチャンフェスティバルが開催されます - 2024年6月。

Please see old post dated ( Dragon Boat and Bak Chang Festival -June 2020- 2021)  日付が付けられた古い投稿をご覧ください (ドラゴンボートとバクチャン フェスティバル - 2020 年 6 月 - 2021 年)

An overall view on various type of bak chang.


More details explanation bak chang on pass post (26th June 2020), please view them to better understand about this bak chang. バクチャンの詳しい説明はパスポスト(2020年6月26日)に掲載されていますので、このバクチャンについてよりよく理解するためにご覧ください。

                  =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =

* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

Non leather repair , Entrance glass door frame and latch - 革以外の修理、玄関ガラスドア枠とラッチ -- 非皮革修复 , 入口玻璃门框和门闩

 This is at an UK house with red door frame to floor have gap and one side of glass door we added wooden block support for a latch.  これは英国の家で、赤いドア枠から床まで隙間があり、ガラスドアの片側にラッチ用の木製ブロックのサポートを追加しました。


Part one of repair is the red door frame, there修理のポイント 1 は赤いドア枠です。ドア枠の下部と床のタイトルの間に亀裂があります。特殊な接着剤を使用します。


Before repair done. there is a small gap at floor of gray title with red door frame. 修理前。灰色のタイトルの床と赤いドア枠に小さな隙間があります。



The outside floor title meet the red door frame  (right side) is seal with special bond. material. 外側の床タイトルと赤いドア枠(右側)は特殊な接着剤でシールされています。素材。


View from outside, floor title meet the red door frame (left side). Add special bond material to close gap. 外から見た図。フロアタイトルが赤いドア枠(左側)と接しています。隙間を埋めるために特殊な接着材を追加します。


Inside part of inner part of the bottom door frame with hole, apply sealant to close corner gap. 穴の開いた下部ドアフレームの内側部分にシーラントを塗布して、角の隙間を閉じます。


Close up view of the patch up bottom corner with sealant material. シーラント材を使用した下隅のパッチのクローズアップ図。

Part two of repair is to add a wooden block at bottom of door frame with a metal tube as hole to support latch. The reason to proceed this repair to the door is it not able close proper at time. 修理のパート 2 では、ドア枠の下部に、ラッチを支える穴として金属管が付いた木製のブロックを追加します。ドアにこの修理を行う理由は、ドアが時間通りに正しく閉まらないためです。


Top view of the front entrance area, the green line shows the latch for the door on the left door. 正面玄関エリアを上から見た図。緑の線は左側のドアのラッチを示しています。


Wooden block of certain dimension is installed at the bottom of door frame. Use of  clamp to provide temporary hold it in position pending glue harden. 

 Another view of the project. Notice the latch hole is not drilled yet as it. プロジェクトの別のビュー。ラッチ穴がまだ開けられていないことに注意してください。


** still work in progress **

                                   = = = = = - - - - - = = = = = =

*    Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

Restore old 1.25inch & 1.00 inch chisel - 古い1.25インチおよび1.00インチのチゼルを復元します - 恢复旧的 1.25 英寸和 1.00 英寸凿子

           These two chisel (width 1.25inch and 1.00inch) was discovered at a workshop. Took it to evaluates and determine is it possible to restore the cutting edge of chisel.

これら 2 つのノミ (幅 1.25 インチと 1.00 インチ) はワークショップで発見されました。 チゼルの刃先を修復できるかどうかを評価し、判断しました。

这两把凿子(宽度 1.25 英寸和 1.00 英寸)是在车间发现的。 对其进行评估并确定是否可以恢复凿子的切削刃。

Both cutting edge have been poorly use for it not indented purpose of wood chisel. The cutting edge have several blur and badly shape to cut wood. The paint on it body of the chisel suggest it use to stir paint as it have two color attached. The blunt edge it be use to can opener or other purpose.

両方の刃先は木工ノミの凹みの目的ではなく、あまり良く使用されていません。 刃先には若干のブレがあり、木材を切るには形状が悪いです。 ノミ本体のペイントは、2色が付着しているため、ペイントをかき混ぜるのに使用することを示唆しています。 先が尖っていないので缶切りやその他の用途に使用できます。

两个切削刃都没有很好地使用,因为它没有达到木凿的锯齿目的。 切削刃有几处模糊且形状不好,无法切割木材。 凿子身上的油漆表明它可以用来搅拌油漆,因为它有两种颜色。 钝边可用于开罐器或其他用途。

Original chisel (width 1.25inch rear side) very dirty and cutting edge blunt and chip off edge. It looks like the chisel was use to stir and mix paint, pry open can lid, see the amount of paint cling to chisel shank.  オリジナルのチゼル (幅 1.25 インチ裏側) は非常に汚れており、刃先は鈍くなっており、刃先が欠けています。 ノミを使って塗料をかき混ぜ、缶の蓋をこじ開け、ノミのシャンクに付着した塗料の量を確認したようです。

原装凿子(背面宽度 1.25 英寸)非常脏,切削刃变钝且边缘脱落。 看起来凿子是用来搅拌和混合油漆的,撬开罐盖,可以看到凿子柄上附着的油漆量。

Scrapping old paint mark. 古い塗装跡を剥がします。

Use a utility knife's to remove paint surface, this action is to clean the chisel of rust, dirt and paint more for visual view.


Use sand paper to remove stubborn paint mark and rust spot. サンドペーパーを使用して、頑固な塗装跡や錆びを取り除きます。

The side edge was damage with heavy mark, like it hit some blunt parts. Since this did not impact the cutting edge, it is smoothen out and remove paint leftover.  サイドエッジは鈍い部分に当たったような大きな跡がついたダメージがありました。 刃先には影響がなかったので、滑らかにして残った塗料を取り除きます。

侧边有严重的损坏痕迹,就像撞到了一些钝的部分。 由于这不会影响切削刃,因此可以将其平滑并去除残留的油漆。

=  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =

* there is numerous method to this topic, what it best and work for you is more important, this is my own opinion and your best bet depend on your local availability of tools and material.*

* このトピックには多数の方法がありますが、自分にとって何が最適で効果的であるかがより重要です。これは私個人の意見であり、最善の方法は、ツールや材料が入手できる地域によって異なります。*

* 这个主题有很多方法,最适合你的方法更重要,这是我自己的观点,你最好的选择取决于你当地是否有工具和材料。*

There is no right or wrong way or the best way / alternative way depends on a few factors to take into consideration. I might be wrong in some assumption, it best each individual evaluate and make the call. 

正しい方法や間違った方法はなく、最良の方法/代替方法は考慮すべきいくつかの要素によって異なります。 私の仮定が間違っている可能性もありますが、各個人が評価して判断するのが最善です。

没有正确或错误的方法,或者最好的方法/替代方法取决于需要考虑的几个因素。 我的某些假设可能是错误的,最好每个人都评估并做出决定。

You Tube resource

Sharpening a Chisel in under a Minute | Paul Sellers

Paul Sellers

300,004 views  16 Jun 2023  (2:39 minutes)
I see more and more options for sharpening a chisel and yet, with no mechanical means at all, I go from a chisel, I have dulled to surgically sharp in about a minute or less.

The fact is I never need to use a grinding wheel, and I was taught to sharpen by the masters of sharpening in my apprenticeship days 58 years ago which I have never strayed from because I found every other option too slow and, dare I say it, DULL and time consuming no matter which method or which machine!

Watch the video and see what you feel.
How To Sharpen a Chisel (The Correct Method)
(2:39 minutes)            Matt Estlea's Woodworking Tutorials

Want to be able to sharpen a chisel in 45 seconds or less? This masterclass teaches you everything you need to know from geometry and preparation to grinding and polishing.

📝 See The Supporting Blog Here! (Extra Info)

😤 Getting Impatient? Skip to the good stuff below: ⬇️
00:00 Intro
01:39 Geometry
06:42 Grinding
09:58 Lapping
15:20 Hollow vs. Flat Grind
16:05 Honing
21:46 Deburring
22:15 Stropping
24:14 Testing
24:49 Real-Time Demo
26:00 Outro

Sharpening a Dull Chisel - Ask Matt #8

Matthew Cremona 1,798,651 views  22 Feb 2015       (14:05 minutes)

A dull chisel is something that is hard to come by in my shop. So when I was asked to show how I would sharpen a dull chisel, I had to get creative with my dulling process.  This videos shows how I would restore the edge of a heavy damaged chisel using a slow speed grinder and my water stones.
Tools Used:
Slow Speed Grinder:
1000/6000 Grit Combination Stone (800/4000 no longer available):
8000 Grit Shapton Stone:
Coarse Diamond Plate:
Honing Guide:
Leather Strop:
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Sharpening a Dull Chisel - Ask Matt #8

Matthew Cremona
1,798,651 views  22 Feb 2015       (14:05 minutes)
A dull chisel is something that is hard to come by in my shop. So when I was asked to show how I would sharpen a dull chisel, I had to get creative with my dulling process.  This videos shows how I would restore the edge of a heavy damaged chisel using a slow speed grinder and my water stones.
Tools Used:
Slow Speed Grinder:
1000/6000 Grit Combination Stone (800/4000 no longer available):
8000 Grit Shapton Stone:
Coarse Diamond Plate:
Honing Guide:
Leather Strop:

Sharpening Chisels for Beginners | Woodworking Basics

Casual Builds

107,527 views  2 Jan 2020  #woodworking #chisel #sharpening
In this video, I'll show you how to sharpen your chisels using some inexpensive / cheap products from Amazon (links below).  

As always, if you found this video help, please hit the like button and be sure to subscribe to see all future beginner and DIY woodworking content.

#chisel #sharpening #woodworking

- Whetstone Cutlery 400/1000 Grit:
- BearMoo Whetstone 3000/8000:
- Honing Guide:
- Chisels (these are the chisels I already own, not the one I was sharpening in the video):


- Porter Cable Circular Saw:
- DEWALT Benchtop Planer:
- Porter Cable 6" Jointer:
- DEWALT Random Orbit Sander:
- WEN 5-Speed Drill Press:


- Camera (Cannon M50 Mirrorless):
- Blue Yeti Nano USB Microphone:
- Tripod:
- Camera Slider:
- Rode Microphone:

Stop Sharpening with Sandpaper!

Rex Krueger
1,138,005 views  Premiered on 17 Mar 2022
You can ditch the sandpaper and get sharp with affordable diamond stones.
Patrons get EVERYTHING first:  

 / rexkrueger  
Affordable plans for your shop:
Sign up for Fabrication First, my FREE newsletter:

Products from this video (affiliate):

STILL IN STOCK: 2-Sided 400/1000 Grit Stone:
(I didn't mention this one in the video, but I've had it for years and it offers excellent value.)

*3 Diamond Stones for $17:
(The 4 stone set might be out of stock, but this 3 stone set is even cheaper and should get the job done.)
Another 3 stone set:

2 Diamond Stones for $9:
Another set:

4 Diamond Stone Package:
Green compound for your strop:
Honing Guide:
Contact Cement:
Hardpoint Saw:

More videos on sharpening:

Fast freehand sharpening: no jigs, no guides, no sandpaper.
 • Fast freehand sharpening: no jigs, no...  

True Beginner: Basic Sandpaper Sharpening
 • True Beginner: Basic Sandpaper Sharpe...

=  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =

  =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =   =  = - - - =  = - - - - =  =

* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

Sharpen punch, scissors and Trim punch block - パンチ、ハサミを研ぎ、パンチブロックをトリムします - 削尖冲头、剪刀和修剪冲头块

      Have a special request to sharpen punch (size 13mm and 16mm), scissor of 6 inch length and flatten a punch block (tree stump) with deep depression. パンチ (サイズ 13mm および 16mm)、長さ 6 インチのハサミを研ぎ、深いくぼみのあるパンチブロック (木の切り株) を平らにするための特別なリクエストがあります。


1) Four punch to sharpen it cutting edge, three of 13mm size and one 16mm. 1) 刃先を鋭くするための 4 つのパンチ、13 mm サイズの 3 つと 16 mm のサイズの 1 つ

1) 四个冲头用于磨锐刀刃,三个 13mm 尺寸和一个 16mm 尺寸。

2) Four scissors of 6 inch length to sharpen. 2) 研ぐための長さ6インチのハサミ4本。


3) One punch block of 8.05 kg (before sawing). 3)8.05kgのパンチブロック1個(鋸引き前)。3)1个8.05公斤的冲块(锯切前)。

This tree stump for punch is about 8.05 kg before sawing. このパンチ用の切り株は製材前で約8.05kgです。

Side view of tree stump block, notice the top side have valley due to repeated use by punch. It is a huge carter due to wear and tear. 木の切り株ブロックを側面から見たところ、パンチで繰り返し使用されたため、上面に谷があることがわかります。 摩耗による大きなカーターです。
树桩块的侧视图,注意顶部由于冲孔的重复使用而有山谷。 由于磨损,它是一个巨大的卡特。

Top view of tree stump. 木の切り株の上から見た図。

Marking line before start sawing, use a wooden stool to support. のこぎりを開始する前に線を引き、木製のスツールを使用して支えます。

Apply wax to reduce friction when sawing. 鋸引き時の摩擦を軽減するためにワックスを塗布します。

Now the top surface is flatten, this will help and be productive when punching hole. これで上面が平らになり、穴を開けるときに役立ち、生産性が向上します。

After remove the top part, it weigh about 7.25 kg. 上部を外すと重さは約7.25kgになります。

Add strap to tree stump. 木の切り株にストラップを追加します。

Use an eyelet of about 20mm, add washer, screw to secure strap on tree stump. Hope this will make it easier to carry around. 約20mmのアイレットを使用し、ワッシャーを追加し、ネジでストラップを木の切り株に固定します。 これで持ち運びが楽になるといいですね。

Scissors repair and sharpen.

Scissor both end tips bent. can cause scissor not to cut properly.

ID for scissor tye06 with both end tips bent..

Scissor sharpening resource from You Tube 

Sharpening and Bending a Utsumi Curved Groomer Shear with Sharpener Student - Josh | Bonika Shears

Bonika Shears
1,549 views  8 Feb 2021     (25:38 minutes)       Alignment and Set
#BonikaAlignment #BonikaCurved #BonikaGroomer #BonikaTips #BonikaBending
Watch the sharpening procedure of sharpening an Utsumi Japanese Curved Groomer Shear with sharpener student, Josh. These were shears sent by another new sharpener to be evaluated and corrected. This video includes sharpening, edgework and bending.
Free Information Package on the Sharpening Business
Learn Sharpening in Private Classes (advanced and beginner):
Learn Sharpening in on-line virtual training (advanced and beginner):
Sharpening equipment including the Scimech HD Flathone machine for sharpening beauty shears and groomer shears and the Nebraska Blade

How I Sharpen Christina's Serrated Tip International Hair Scissors | Bonika Shears

Bonika Shears

1,524 views  20 Mar 2023     (21:13 minutes)         #sharpening

Shear sharpening is a lucrative business sharpening for hair salons and groomers. It is important to have the right equipment and training to give the best service. Interested in sharpening? Start here.... download a free information package

Presented by Bonnie Megowan

Bonnie Megowan is the educator and sharpener with Bonika Shears which is a 30 year old family business owned and operated by the family including Gene her husband who is in charge of sales and Mystie her daughter who is in charge of daily operations. Bonnie is a sought after speaker at hair shows, sharpening conventions and cosmetology schools. Bonnie has produced hundreds of videos on her Youtube channel Bonika Shears. She has trained successful sharpeners both in person and in video chats in all 50 states and dozens of foreign countries

We recommend Bonnie's books, available on the Bonika website and on Amazon. "SHARPENING HAIR SCISSORS - HOW TO START A REWARDING HOME-BASED BUSINESS" and “DIY Care and Repair of Stylist Shears” available in English and Spanish.


How to Adjust the Tension on the 3 Most Common Pivot Screws on Beauty Shears

Bonika Shears

13,362 views  22 Dec 2020          (32:12 minutes)      4 products

Bonika Shears tagged products below. Learn more

Repair Book on Scissors and Shears for Stylists | Bonika Shears English

Limited delivery areas

 Repair Book on Scissors and Shears for Stylists | Bonika Shears Spanish

Limited delivery areas

 S-UFO Tool to Adjust Shear Screw

Limited delivery areas

 UFO Tool Shear Keys for Adjusting the Pivot Screw | Bonika Shears UFO-1

Limited delivery areas

This video answers the question how to adjust the tension on hair shears. All of the three most common screws are explained including the regular and split screw most common on barber scissors and German shears, the thumb-nut adjustable screws which have a knob and the UFO or screws that adjust using a special key or tool. 


Regular screw: 01:10

Thumb-nut screw 11:04

UFO Screw 21:59

Love2Cut video links for you to share or embed on your websites

Regular screw link:   

 • How to Adjust the Tension on Beauty S...  

Thumb-nut screw link   

 • How to Set the Screw on Hair Shears w...   UFO screw link   

 • How to Adjust the Screw Tension on a ...  



Free Information Package on the Sharpening Business

Learn Sharpening in Private Classes (advanced and beginner):

Learn Sharpening in on-line virtual training (advanced and beginner):

Sharpening equipment including the Scimech HD Flathone machine for sharpening beauty shears and groomer shears and the Nebraska Blades Clipper Hone

Start Selling and Sharpening

Join the Facebook group for sharpeners

Feel free to call our office at 770-972-4332 for information. 

About Bonnie Megowan and Bonika Shears 

Bonika Shears was begun by Bonnie Megowan, a former school teacher. Bonnie used her background in science and experience in the knife industry to begin a business sharpening and repairing quality stylists shears in the Atlanta area in 1988. Gene Megowan, the marketing manager for Scissor Mechanic, conducted extensive market research. Together, they created the exclusive Bonika International shears. The Bonika International Shears were designed as the first truly multicultural shears. Since then the more than 6 dozen models have been added to the line. They now have local sharpener /distributors in nearly 2 dozen countries and every state.  Bonnie Megowan has trained most of these sharpeners. She became the first woman to place first in a national sharpening certification through the National Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild. Bonika Shears is a member of the ISSA International Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild, NBTSG National Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild, and educates for the IBSA International Beauty Sharpening Association.


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*    Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.

* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。

                                          👤     End of  document   👨

Man shoe repair (stitching sewing) - 男性靴修理(ステッチ縫製)

 This is about my own shoe repair for the outer sole separated... This is a Clarks - Gore-tex . これは、剥がれてしまったアウターソールの靴の修理についてです。これは、クラークスのゴアテ...