Have a special request to sharpen punch (size 13mm and 16mm), scissor of 6 inch length and flatten a punch block (tree stump) with deep depression. パンチ (サイズ 13mm および 16mm)、長さ 6 インチのハサミを研ぎ、深いくぼみのあるパンチブロック (木の切り株) を平らにするための特別なリクエストがあります。
1) Four punch to sharpen it cutting edge, three of 13mm size and one 16mm. 1) 刃先を鋭くするための 4 つのパンチ、13 mm サイズの 3 つと 16 mm のサイズの 1 つ
3) One punch block of 8.05 kg (before sawing). 3)8.05kgのパンチブロック1個(鋸引き前)。3)1个8.05公斤的冲块(锯切前)。
This tree stump for punch is about 8.05 kg before sawing. このパンチ用の切り株は製材前で約8.05kgです。
Apply wax to reduce friction when sawing. 鋸引き時の摩擦を軽減するためにワックスを塗布します。
Now the top surface is flatten, this will help and be productive when punching hole. これで上面が平らになり、穴を開けるときに役立ち、生産性が向上します。
After remove the top part, it weigh about 7.25 kg. 上部を外すと重さは約7.25kgになります。
Add strap to tree stump. 木の切り株にストラップを追加します。
Use an eyelet of about 20mm, add washer, screw to secure strap on tree stump. Hope this will make it easier to carry around. 約20mmのアイレットを使用し、ワッシャーを追加し、ネジでストラップを木の切り株に固定します。 これで持ち運びが楽になるといいですね。
Scissors repair and sharpen.
Scissor both end tips bent. can cause scissor not to cut properly.ID for scissor tye06 with both end tips bent..
Scissor sharpening resource from You Tube
Sharpening and Bending a Utsumi Curved Groomer Shear with Sharpener Student - Josh | Bonika Shears
Bonika Shears
1,549 views 8 Feb 2021 (25:38 minutes) Alignment and Set
#BonikaAlignment #BonikaCurved #BonikaGroomer #BonikaTips #BonikaBending
Watch the sharpening procedure of sharpening an Utsumi Japanese Curved Groomer Shear with sharpener student, Josh. These were shears sent by another new sharpener to be evaluated and corrected. This video includes sharpening, edgework and bending.
Website: https://bonika.com/
Free Information Package on the Sharpening Business https://bonika.com/products/free-info...
Learn Sharpening in Private Classes (advanced and beginner): https://bonika.com/collections/sharpe...
Learn Sharpening in on-line virtual training (advanced and beginner): https://bonika.com/collections/sharpe...
Sharpening equipment including the Scimech HD Flathone machine for sharpening beauty shears and groomer shears and the Nebraska Blade
How I Sharpen Christina's Serrated Tip International Hair Scissors | Bonika Shears
Bonika Shears
1,524 views 20 Mar 2023 (21:13 minutes) #sharpening
Shear sharpening is a lucrative business sharpening for hair salons and groomers. It is important to have the right equipment and training to give the best service. Interested in sharpening? Start here.... download a free information package https://bonika.com/products/free-info...
Presented by Bonnie Megowan
Bonnie Megowan is the educator and sharpener with Bonika Shears which is a 30 year old family business owned and operated by the family including Gene her husband who is in charge of sales and Mystie her daughter who is in charge of daily operations. Bonnie is a sought after speaker at hair shows, sharpening conventions and cosmetology schools. Bonnie has produced hundreds of videos on her Youtube channel Bonika Shears. She has trained successful sharpeners both in person and in video chats in all 50 states and dozens of foreign countries
We recommend Bonnie's books, available on the Bonika website and on Amazon. "SHARPENING HAIR SCISSORS - HOW TO START A REWARDING HOME-BASED BUSINESS" and “DIY Care and Repair of Stylist Shears” available in English and Spanish.
How to Adjust the Tension on the 3 Most Common Pivot Screws on Beauty Shears
Bonika Shears
13,362 views 22 Dec 2020 (32:12 minutes) 4 products
Bonika Shears tagged products below. Learn more
Repair Book on Scissors and Shears for Stylists | Bonika Shears English
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Repair Book on Scissors and Shears for Stylists | Bonika Shears Spanish
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S-UFO Tool to Adjust Shear Screw
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UFO Tool Shear Keys for Adjusting the Pivot Screw | Bonika Shears UFO-1
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This video answers the question how to adjust the tension on hair shears. All of the three most common screws are explained including the regular and split screw most common on barber scissors and German shears, the thumb-nut adjustable screws which have a knob and the UFO or screws that adjust using a special key or tool.
Regular screw: 01:10
Thumb-nut screw 11:04
UFO Screw 21:59
Love2Cut video links for you to share or embed on your websites
Regular screw link:
• How to Adjust the Tension on Beauty S...
Thumb-nut screw link
• How to Set the Screw on Hair Shears w... UFO screw link
• How to Adjust the Screw Tension on a ...
Website: https://bonika.com/
Free Information Package on the Sharpening Business https://bonika.com/products/free-info...
Learn Sharpening in Private Classes (advanced and beginner): https://bonika.com/collections/sharpe...
Learn Sharpening in on-line virtual training (advanced and beginner): https://bonika.com/collections/sharpe...
Sharpening equipment including the Scimech HD Flathone machine for sharpening beauty shears and groomer shears and the Nebraska Blades Clipper Hone https://bonika.com/collections/sharpe...
Start Selling and Sharpening https://bonika.com/collections/start-...
Join the Facebook group for sharpeners www.facebook.com/SharpenersJamGroup
Feel free to call our office at 770-972-4332 for information.
About Bonnie Megowan and Bonika Shears
Bonika Shears was begun by Bonnie Megowan, a former school teacher. Bonnie used her background in science and experience in the knife industry to begin a business sharpening and repairing quality stylists shears in the Atlanta area in 1988. Gene Megowan, the marketing manager for Scissor Mechanic, conducted extensive market research. Together, they created the exclusive Bonika International shears. The Bonika International Shears were designed as the first truly multicultural shears. Since then the more than 6 dozen models have been added to the line. They now have local sharpener /distributors in nearly 2 dozen countries and every state. Bonnie Megowan has trained most of these sharpeners. She became the first woman to place first in a national sharpening certification through the National Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild. Bonika Shears is a member of the ISSA International Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild, NBTSG National Beauty Tools Sharpeners Guild, and educates for the IBSA International Beauty Sharpening Association.
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* Note: This is trail use of "Google Translate" application from ENGLISH to JAPANESE, sorry if this translation do not make sense or suitable word or sentence, please do let me know and thank you.
* 注: これは英語から日本語への「Google 翻訳」アプリケーションの試用です。この翻訳が意味をなさない、または適切な単語や文でない場合は、申し訳ありませんが、お知らせください。ありがとうございます。
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